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Section 8-801 - Definitions - (a) In this subtitle the following words have the meanings...
Section 8-801.1 - Nutrient Management Plan - (a) (1) Each nutrient management plan shall be developed considering...
Section 8-802 - Certification and License Requirement - (a) A person may not prepare a nutrient management plan,...
Section 8-803 - Certifications and Licenses -- Application; Issuance; Term; Renewal - (a) To apply for certification as a nutrient management consultant,...
Section 8-803.1 - Nutrient Management Plans -- General Provisions - (a) In this section, “gross income” means the actual income...
Section 8-803.2 - Certified Nutrient Management Consultants - (a) A person who applies nutrients for hire to land...
Section 8-803.3 - Nutrient Application Educational Programs - (a) This section does not apply to: (1) A person...
Section 8-803.4 - Application of Fertilizer by Professional Applicator - (a) In this section, “fertilizer” means a commercial fertilizer and...
Section 8-803.5 - Application of Fertilizer by Persons - (a) In this section, “fertilizer” means commercial fertilizer and specialty...
Section 8-803.6 - Certification Program for Professional Fertilizer Applicators - (a) (1) The Department shall, in consultation with the University...
Section 8-803.7 - Public Education Program; Soil Testing; Fertilizer Turf Guidelines - (a) The Department, in consultation with the University of Maryland,...
Section 8-803.8 - Regulation of Fertilizer and Its Application - (a) Except for enforcement as authorized under § 8–803.5(g) of...
Section 8-803.9 - Regulations - The Department may adopt regulations for agricultural research, education, and...
Section 8-804 - Regulations; Advisory Committee - (a) The Department shall establish a Nutrient Management Advisory Committee....
Section 8-805 - Denial, Suspension, or Revocation of Certificates or Licenses - Subject to the provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act, the...
Section 8-806 - Fees - (a) Except for a government agency, the Department shall charge...
Section 8-807 - Report on Coverage, Implementation, and Evaluation of Nutrient Management Plans; Inclusion of Water Quality Improvement Act of 1998 - (a) On or before December 31 of each year, the...