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Section 10-701 - Definitions - (a) In this subtitle the following words have the meanings...
Section 10-702 - Rules and Regulations - The Secretary may adopt and enforce rules and regulations necessary...
Section 10-703 - Establishment of Standards and Grades; Effective Date; Marking Containers - (a) The Secretary, after investigation and public hearing, may: (1)...
Section 10-704 - Effect of Standards and Grades on Right to Sell; Marking Noncomplying Containers Prohibited - (a) No standard, grade, rule or regulation adopted under this...
Section 10-705 - Right of Entry and Examination - The Secretary may enter any building, vehicle, other enclosure, or...
Section 10-706 - Exemption From Liability for Selling in Improperly Marked Container - Any person who sells any fruit or vegetable in a...
Section 10-707 - No Prosecution When Inspection by Department or by United States Department of Agriculture - No person may be prosecuted for violation of any provision...
Section 10-708 - Prosecution - The State’s Attorney of any county in which any violation...