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Section 13-201 - Civil Penalties - (a) This section does not apply to a violation of...
Section 13-202 - Public Service Companies; Safety Violations - (a) In this section, “safety violation” means a condition or...
Section 13-203 - Violation of Safe Service Requirement - (a) A gas company or gas master meter operator that...
Section 13-204 - Ethics Violation by Personnel of Commission or People's Counsel - Personnel of the Commission or Office of People’s Counsel who...
Section 13-205 - Failure to File Annual Report or Provide Information to Commission - A public service company is subject to a fine of...
Section 13-206 - Taxicab Violations - An individual who violates a provision of this division concerning...
Section 13-207 - Void Transactions - A contract, assignment, or transfer in violation of this division...
Section 13-208 - Cease and Desist Orders - (a) In addition to any otherwise available remedy, the Commission...