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Section 24-202 - Racket Sports Facilities Personnel - (a) At all times during business hours, each privately owned...
Section 24-205 - Smoking in Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Health Clinics, and Physicians' Offices - (a) In this section, “smoking” means the act of smoking...
Section 24-206 - Strobe Light Warning - Each movie house, theater, bar, or similar commercial establishment that...
Section 24-207 - Transparent Glass Doors - (a) The Department shall adopt rules and regulations to carry...
Section 24-208 - Pay Toilets in Certain Buildings - (a) To assure the cost-free operation of toilets in any...
Section 24-209 - Use of Retail Establishment's Employee Restrooms by Certain Customers -- in General - (a) (1) In this section the following words have the...
Section 24-210 - Use of Restrooms -- Civil Liability of Retail Establishment or Employee - A retail establishment and any employee of a retail establishment...
Section 24-211 - Distribution of Sanitary Fixtures in Places of Public Entertainment - (a) (1) In this section the following words have the...
Section 24-212 - Smoking on Public Elevators - (a) The proprietor of a building containing any elevator whose...