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Section 10-628 - Bonding Authority - (a) Except as provided in subsections (b) and (c) of...
Section 10-629 - Payment of Bonds - (a) The Authority shall pay the bonds issued in accordance...
Section 10-630 - Authorization of Bonds by Resolution or Trust Agreement - (a) The Authority shall authorize the issuance of bonds by...
Section 10-631 - Resolutions and Trust Agreements -- Additional Provisions - A resolution of the Authority or a trust agreement between...
Section 10-632 - Personal Liability of Authority Member -- Exemption - Neither a member of the Authority nor any other person...
Section 10-633 - Agreement for Enhancing Marketability of Bonds - The Authority may enter into agreements for the purpose of...
Section 10-634 - Pledges by Authority of Revenues or Money Deposited in the Baltimore City Public School Construction Financing Fund - (a) A pledge by the Authority of revenues or money...
Section 10-635 - Enforcement of Rights by Bondholders - Except to the extent restricted by an applicable resolution or...
Section 10-636 - Refunding Bonds - (a) Subject to the prior approval of the Board of...