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Section 17-405 - Definitions - (a) In Part II of this subtitle the following words...
Section 17-406 - Scope of Part - (a) Except as provided in subsection (b) of this section,...
Section 17-407 - Authority of Baltimore City - The Mayor and City Council of Baltimore may license free-play...
Section 17-408 - Keeping Licensed Machines Lawful - Notwithstanding any other law, it is lawful to keep and...
Section 17-409 - License Required - (a) Whenever a person keeps a free-play pinball machine for...
Section 17-410 - License Fees; Disposition of Money - (a) (1) An applicant for a pinball machine license shall...
Section 17-411 - Issuance and Display of Certificate - (a) For each free-play pinball machine or free-play console machine...
Section 17-412 - Transferability of License - (a) A pinball machine license may be transferred to another...
Section 17-413 - Keeping Machines Without License - (a) A person may not keep a free-play pinball machine...
Section 17-414 - Paying Out Cash or Tokens Prohibited - A free-play pinball machine or free-play console machine may not...
Section 17-415 - Operation by Minors Prohibited - A person who keeps a free-play pinball machine or free-play...
Section 17-417 - Penalties - (a) Except as otherwise provided in this section, a person...