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Subtitle 1 - General
Section 11-101 - Indestructibility of Contingent Remainders - (a) Any contingent remainder arising under any will or inter...
Section 11-102 - Rule Against Perpetuities -- Exceptions - (a) In this section, “usufructuary” means a person having a...
Section 11-102.1 - Rule Against Perpetuities -- Nondonative Property - (a) (1) In this section the following words have the...
Section 11-103 - Rule Against Perpetuities -- Limitations on Application - (a) (1) In applying the rule against perpetuities to an...
Section 11-104 - Rule in Shelley's Case Abolished - Whenever by any form of words in any will or...
Section 11-105 - Death Benefits Payable to Trusts - (a) As used in this section, the words “death benefits”...
Section 11-106 - Election by Fiduciary Where Gift Qualifies for Marital Deduction; Marital Deduction Formula Clauses - (a) Unless otherwise expressly provided by a will or other...
Section 11-107 - Distribution in Kind, Using Federal Estate Tax Values - Whenever a will or other governing instrument: (1) Specifically authorizes...
Section 11-108 - Release of Powers of Appointment - (a) (1) Unless the instrument creating a power of appointment...
Section 11-109 - Right to Estate - (a) A conviction or attainder does not work corruption of...
Section 11-110 - Construction of References in Will or Trust to Federal Estate Tax or Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax - (a) (1) A will or trust of a decedent who...
Section 11-111 - Disqualification for Conviction of Unlawfully Obtaining Property - (a) A person convicted of unlawfully obtaining property from a...
Section 11-112 - Treatment of Disqualified Persons - (a) In this section, “disqualified person” means a person who...
Section 11-113 - Posthumously Conceived Child - (a) If a decedent consented in a written record to...
Section 11-114 - Prohibited Appointments as Guardian of Minor or Disabled Person - (a) Unless good cause is shown for the appointment, a...