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32 §1741. Definitions - §1741. Definitions As used in this chapter, unless the context...
32 §1742. Identification of food contact chemicals of high concern - §1742. Identification of food contact chemicals of high concern In...
32 §1743. Designation of priority food contact chemicals - §1743. Designation of priority food contact chemicals The commissioner may...
32 §1744. Disclosure of information on priority food contact chemicals - §1744. Disclosure of information on priority food contact chemicals 1....
32 §1745. Sales prohibition; rules; safer alternatives to priority food contact chemicals - §1745. Sales prohibition; rules; safer alternatives to priority food contact...
32 §1746. Applicability - §1746. Applicability The provisions of this chapter do not apply...
32 §1747. Implementation, administration and enforcement; rules; violations - §1747. Implementation, administration and enforcement; rules; violations The department shall...