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30-A §5721. General authority - §5721. General authority A municipality may raise or appropriate money...
30-A §5721-A. Limitation on municipal property tax levy - §5721-A. Limitation on municipal property tax levy 1. Definitions. As...
30-A §5722. Operating expenses - §5722. Operating expenses A municipality may raise or appropriate money...
30-A §5723. Public works - §5723. Public works A municipality may raise or appropriate money...
30-A §5724. Schools and libraries - §5724. Schools and libraries A municipality may raise or appropriate...
30-A §5725. Health and welfare - §5725. Health and welfare A municipality may raise or appropriate...
30-A §5726. Development - §5726. Development A municipality may raise or appropriate money to:...
30-A §5727. Celebrations and commemorations - §5727. Celebrations and commemorations A municipality may raise or appropriate...
30-A §5728. General duties and operations - §5728. General duties and operations A municipality may raise or...
30-A §5729. Federal and state grants - §5729. Federal and state grants A municipality's acceptance of grants...
30-A §5730. Historic and scenic preservation - §5730. Historic and scenic preservation Pursuant to the Constitution of...