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20-A §1471. Regional school unit board - §1471. Regional school unit board A regional school unit board...
20-A §1472. Methods of apportionment - §1472. Methods of apportionment 1. Method A: subdistrict representation. Under...
20-A §1472-A. Election of initial regional school unit board - §1472-A. Election of initial regional school unit board 1. Election;...
20-A §1472-B. Staggered initial terms - §1472-B. Staggered initial terms Notwithstanding section 1471, subsection 2, the...
20-A §1472-C. Term of office for elected directors - §1472-C. Term of office for elected directors Notwithstanding any other...
20-A §1473. Election - §1473. Election For the purpose of nominations, regional school unit...
20-A §1474. Vacancies - §1474. Vacancies 1. Definition of vacancy. A vacancy on a...
20-A §1475. Reapportionment - §1475. Reapportionment The commissioner shall determine the necessity for reapportionment....
20-A §1476. Powers and duties - §1476. Powers and duties The regional school unit board: [PL...
20-A §1477. Quorum - §1477. Quorum A majority of the regional school unit board...
20-A §1478. Local school committees - §1478. Local school committees 1. Formation. A reorganization plan under...
20-A §1479. Program - §1479. Program A regional school unit shall maintain a program...