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24-A §951. Short title - §951. Short title This subchapter may be known and cited...
24-A §951-A. Definitions - §951-A. Definitions As used in this subchapter, unless the context...
24-A §952. Calculation of reserve liabilities - §952. Calculation of reserve liabilities 1. The superintendent shall annually...
24-A §952-A. Actuarial opinion of reserves - §952-A. Actuarial opinion of reserves 1. General. An insurer doing...
24-A §952-B. Applicability of reserving methodologies - §952-B. Applicability of reserving methodologies Sections 953 to 958‑A do...
24-A §953. Minimum standards - §953. Minimum standards 1. This subsection applies only to policies...
24-A §953-A. Applicable interest rates - §953-A. Applicable interest rates 1. The interest rates used in...
24-A §954. Commissioners reserve valuation method defined - §954. Commissioners reserve valuation method defined 1. Policies providing for...
24-A §955. Minimum reserves - §955. Minimum reserves 1. Minimum aggregate reserves for life insurance...
24-A §956. Optional reserve calculation - §956. Optional reserve calculation 1. Reserve calculation. Reserves for any...
24-A §957. Deficiency reserve - §957. Deficiency reserve If the gross premium charged by any...
24-A §957-A. Superintendent's authority to approve certain plans - §957-A. Superintendent's authority to approve certain plans 1. In the...
24-A §958. Interest rates - §958. Interest rates All changes in the interest rates specified...
24-A §958-A. Interest rates extended - §958-A. Interest rates extended Notwithstanding section 958, the changes in...
24-A §959. Reserves subject to valuation manual - §959. Reserves subject to valuation manual 1. General requirement. On...
24-A §960. Requirements for principle-based reserves - §960. Requirements for principle-based reserves 1. Scope. This section applies...
24-A §961. Experience reporting - §961. Experience reporting For all policies and contracts in force...
24-A §962. Confidentiality - §962. Confidentiality 1. Information subject to this section. For purposes...