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26 §951. Agreements to arbitrate - §951. Agreements to arbitrate A written provision in any collective...
26 §952. Stay of proceedings - §952. Stay of proceedings If any action or proceeding be...
26 §953. Failure to arbitrate under agreement - §953. Failure to arbitrate under agreement A party aggrieved by...
26 §954. Appointment of arbitrators or umpires - §954. Appointment of arbitrators or umpires If in the agreement...
26 §955. Application heard as motion - §955. Application heard as motion Any application to the court...
26 §956. Witnesses before arbitrators; fees; compelling attendance - §956. Witnesses before arbitrators; fees; compelling attendance The arbitrators selected...
26 §957. Awards; confirmation; jurisdiction; procedure - §957. Awards; confirmation; jurisdiction; procedure If the parties in their...
26 §958. Vacation of award; grounds; rehearing - §958. Vacation of award; grounds; rehearing In any of the...
26 §959. Modification or correction of award; grounds; order - §959. Modification or correction of award; grounds; order The Superior...
26 §960. Applicability of provisions - §960. Applicability of provisions This subchapter shall not apply to...