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24-A §2381. Title - §2381. Title This subchapter may be known and cited as...
24-A §2381-A. Purposes - §2381-A. Purposes The purposes of this Act are: [PL 1991,...
24-A §2381-B. Scope of application - §2381-B. Scope of application This Act applies to workers' compensation...
24-A §2381-C. Definitions - §2381-C. Definitions As used in this Act, unless the context...
24-A §2382. Rate standards - §2382. Rate standards The following standards apply to the making...
24-A §2382-A. Payment of dividends - §2382-A. Payment of dividends Nothing in this Act prohibits or...
24-A §2382-B. Uniform administration of classifications; reporting of rating and other information; membership in advisory organization - §2382-B. Uniform administration of classifications; reporting of rating and other...
24-A §2382-C. Filing of rates and other rating information; filing of forms - §2382-C. Filing of rates and other rating information; filing of...
24-A §2382-D. Uniform experience rating plan; merit rating plan - §2382-D. Uniform experience rating plan; merit rating plan 1. Required...
24-A §2382-E. Disapproval of rates - §2382-E. Disapproval of rates 1. Timing of disapproval. A rate...
24-A §2382-F. Report required - §2382-F. Report required In order to comply with Title 26,...
24-A §2383. Interchange of data - §2383. Interchange of data 1. Exchange of information. To further...
24-A §2383-A. Monitoring competition - §2383-A. Monitoring competition 1. Monitoring. The superintendent shall monitor the...
24-A §2384. Workers' compensation advisory organizations - §2384. Workers' compensation advisory organizations Sections 2321‑A to 2321‑D apply...
24-A §2384-A. Advisory organization filing requirements - §2384-A. Advisory organization filing requirements 1. Filing. Every advisory organization...
24-A §2384-B. Statistical recording and reporting - §2384-B. Statistical recording and reporting 1. Collection and reporting system....
24-A §2384-C. Data collection - §2384-C. Data collection 1. Collection and reporting system. The superintendent...
24-A §2385. Optional deductibles - §2385. Optional deductibles 1. Optional deductible. Each insurer transacting or...
24-A §2385-A. Medical expense deductibles - §2385-A. Medical expense deductibles Each insurer transacting or offering to...
24-A §2385-B. Disclosure of premium information - §2385-B. Disclosure of premium information All policies issued to employers...
24-A §2385-C. Workplace health and safety consultations - §2385-C. Workplace health and safety consultations Workplace health and safety...
24-A §2385-D. Safety groups - §2385-D. Safety groups A safety group is an insured plan...
24-A §2385-E. Workers' compensation insurance; registration of employee leasing companies - §2385-E. Workers' compensation insurance; registration of employee leasing companies A...
24-A §2385-F. Coverage denial - §2385-F. Coverage denial Workers' compensation coverage may not be issued...
24-A §2386. Workers' compensation insurance residual market mechanism - §2386. Workers' compensation insurance residual market mechanism 1. Participation. All...
24-A §2386-A. Workers' compensation rates; annual surcharges and credits (REPEALED) - §2386-A. Workers' compensation rates; annual surcharges and credits (REPEALED) SECTION...
24-A §2387. Penalty for violations - §2387. Penalty for violations 1. Civil penalties. A person or...
24-A §2387-A. Public Advocate - §2387-A. Public Advocate 1. Participation and duties. The Public Advocate...
24-A §2387-B. Savings provision - §2387-B. Savings provision Any experience rating, classification, statistical or other...