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36 §1131. Purpose - §1131. Purpose It is declared that it is in the...
36 §1132. Definitions - §1132. Definitions As used in this subchapter, unless the context...
36 §1133. Owner's application - §1133. Owner's application An owner or owners of land may...
36 §1134. Administration; rules - §1134. Administration; rules The State Tax Assessor may adopt rules...
36 §1135. Current use valuation of working waterfront land - §1135. Current use valuation of working waterfront land The municipal...
36 §1136. Assessment of tax - §1136. Assessment of tax An assessment of working waterfront land...
36 §1137. Schedule; qualification - §1137. Schedule; qualification 1. Schedule. The owner or owners of...
36 §1138. Recapture penalty - §1138. Recapture penalty 1. Assessor determination; owner request. If the...
36 §1139. Enforcement - §1139. Enforcement A tax lien is created to secure the...
36 §1140. Transfer of ownership - §1140. Transfer of ownership If land taxed under this subchapter...
36 §1140-A. Appeals and abatements - §1140-A. Appeals and abatements The denial of an application or...
36 §1140-B. Analysis and report - §1140-B. Analysis and report 1. Analysis. The State Tax Assessor,...