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36 §7121. Short title - §7121. Short title This chapter may be known and cited...
36 §7122. Definitions - §7122. Definitions As used in this chapter, unless the context...
36 §7123. Purpose and intent - §7123. Purpose and intent The Legislature finds that this State...
36 §7124. Authority to enter agreement - §7124. Authority to enter agreement The State Tax Assessor shall...
36 §7125. Relationship to state law - §7125. Relationship to state law No provision of the agreement...
36 §7126. Agreement requirements - §7126. Agreement requirements The State Tax Assessor may not enter...
36 §7127. Cooperating sovereigns - §7127. Cooperating sovereigns The agreement is an accord among individual...
36 §7128. Limited binding and beneficial effect - §7128. Limited binding and beneficial effect 1. Generally. The agreement...
36 §7129. Seller and 3rd-party liability - §7129. Seller and 3rd-party liability 1. Certified service provider agent...