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7 §4011. Cruelty to animals - §4011. Cruelty to animals 1. Cruelty to animals. Except as...
7 §4012. Cruelty to birds - §4012. Cruelty to birds 1. Cruelty to birds. A person...
7 §4013. Necessary sustenance - §4013. Necessary sustenance No person owning or responsible for confining...
7 §4014. Necessary medical attention - §4014. Necessary medical attention No person owning or responsible for...
7 §4015. Proper shelter, protection from the weather and humanely clean conditions - §4015. Proper shelter, protection from the weather and humanely clean...
7 §4016. Violation - §4016. Violation 1. Penalty. A person who violates this chapter...
7 §4017. Rules - §4017. Rules The commissioner may adopt any rules necessary or...
7 §4018. Report of suspected cruelty - §4018. Report of suspected cruelty 1. Report by veterinarian. Except...
7 §4019. Removal from unattended motor vehicle - §4019. Removal from unattended motor vehicle 1. Removal authorized. A...
7 §4020. Cruel confinement of calves raised for veal and sows during gestation - §4020. Cruel confinement of calves raised for veal and sows...