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7 §3961. Reimbursement for damage done by animals - §3961. Reimbursement for damage done by animals 1. Injuries and...
7 §3961-A. Attack on service animal or assistance animal - §3961-A. Attack on service animal or assistance animal A person...
7 §3962. Complaint and recovery (REPEALED) - §3962. Complaint and recovery (REPEALED) SECTION HISTORY PL 1987, c....
7 §3962-A. Penalty for damage to livestock or pets by animals - §3962-A. Penalty for damage to livestock or pets by animals...
7 §3963. Joint and several liability - §3963. Joint and several liability If any properly enclosed livestock,...
7 §3964. Damage by animals (REPEALED) - §3964. Damage by animals (REPEALED) SECTION HISTORY PL 1987, c....