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Subchapter 1: FERRIES
23 §4401. Ferry service for North Haven, Vinalhaven, Islesboro, Matinicus Isle, Swan's Island and Frenchboro - §4401. Ferry service for North Haven, Vinalhaven, Islesboro, Matinicus Isle,...
23 §4402. Charter service - §4402. Charter service The Department of Transportation may operate a...
23 §4403. Ferry service between mainland and islands in Casco Bay - §4403. Ferry service between mainland and islands in Casco Bay...
23 §4404. Tolls - §4404. Tolls The Department of Transportation shall, in a manner...
23 §4405. Student rates - §4405. Student rates The Department of Transportation shall grant to...
23 §4406. Radar requirements on vessels operating in Casco Bay - §4406. Radar requirements on vessels operating in Casco Bay 1....
23 §4407. Free nonemergency transportation services for catastrophic medical reasons - §4407. Free nonemergency transportation services for catastrophic medical reasons 1....
23 §4420. Purpose - §4420. Purpose The Maine Port Authority, as established by Title...
23 §4421. Directors; appointment; president; vacancy - §4421. Directors; appointment; president; vacancy The Maine Port Authority consists...
23 §4422. Agreements - §4422. Agreements The Maine Port Authority and the Department of...
23 §4423. Bonds - §4423. Bonds 1. Authorization. The Maine Port Authority may provide...
23 §4424. Property of the State - §4424. Property of the State All real and personal property...
23 §4425. Acquisition of land - §4425. Acquisition of land Land required for improvement to existing...
23 §4426. Conflict of interest - §4426. Conflict of interest No member, officer or employee of...
23 §4427. Environmental laws - §4427. Environmental laws Facilities acquired, constructed, operated or maintained under...
23 §4428. Funds received to support marine port linkages - §4428. Funds received to support marine port linkages Notwithstanding any...
23 §4429. Marketing program - §4429. Marketing program The Maine Port Terminal Facilities Marketing Program...
23 §4430. Employees - §4430. Employees 1. Employees; executive director. The board of directors...
23 §4431. Report to Legislature; departmental review of certain fiscal items - §4431. Report to Legislature; departmental review of certain fiscal items...