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17-A §431. Definitions - §431. Definitions As used in this chapter, unless the context...
17-A §432. Criminal invasion of computer privacy - §432. Criminal invasion of computer privacy 1. A person is...
17-A §433. Aggravated criminal invasion of computer privacy - §433. Aggravated criminal invasion of computer privacy 1. A person...
17-A §434. Prosecution of invasion of computer privacy - §434. Prosecution of invasion of computer privacy 1. The crime...
17-A §435. Added jurisdiction to prosecute - §435. Added jurisdiction to prosecute 1. In addition to the...
17-A §436. Permanent destruction of computer data on a computer used in the commission of a crime - §436. Permanent destruction of computer data on a computer used...
17-A §437. Permissible destruction or transfer of ownership to the State of a computer used in the commission of a crime - §437. Permissible destruction or transfer of ownership to the State...