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36 §1601. Unorganized Territory Tax District - §1601. Unorganized Territory Tax District The Legislature hereby creates a...
36 §1602. Annual tax - §1602. Annual tax 1. Annual levy of tax. A tax,...
36 §1603. Definition of "municipal cost component" - §1603. Definition of "municipal cost component" 1. Definition. For the...
36 §1604. Determination; procedure - §1604. Determination; procedure 1. Recommendation to the Legislature. The administrator...
36 §1605. Unorganized Territory Education and Services Fund - §1605. Unorganized Territory Education and Services Fund 1. Fund established....
36 §1606. Property taxes credited on assessments; quarterly payments for unorganized territory services and annually for county taxes - §1606. Property taxes credited on assessments; quarterly payments for unorganized...
36 §1607. Meaning of letters used in lists - §1607. Meaning of letters used in lists In the lists...
36 §1608. Financial report - §1608. Financial report The fiscal administrator of the unorganized territory...
36 §1609. Audit of municipal cost component and the Unorganized Territory Education and Services Fund - §1609. Audit of municipal cost component and the Unorganized Territory...
36 §1610. Adjustment (REPEALED) - §1610. Adjustment (REPEALED) SECTION HISTORY PL 1985, c. 458, §2...
36 §1611. Limitation on municipal cost component - §1611. Limitation on municipal cost component 1. Growth limitation. Except...
36 §1612. Payment in lieu of taxes in unorganized territory - §1612. Payment in lieu of taxes in unorganized territory 1....