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36 §1481. Definitions - §1481. Definitions The following words and phrases as used in...
36 §1482. Excise tax - §1482. Excise tax 1. Annual excise tax. An annual excise...
36 §1483. Exemptions - §1483. Exemptions The following are exempt from the excise tax:...
36 §1483-A. Local option exemption for residents permanently stationed or deployed for military service outside of the State - §1483-A. Local option exemption for residents permanently stationed or deployed...
36 §1484. Place of payment - §1484. Place of payment The excise tax imposed by this...
36 §1485. Exemption from personal property taxation - §1485. Exemption from personal property taxation Any vehicle owner who...
36 §1486. Tax paid before registration - §1486. Tax paid before registration No vehicle may be registered...
36 §1487. Collection of tax - §1487. Collection of tax 1. Municipal tax collector. In the...
36 §1488. Receipts issued in duplicate - §1488. Receipts issued in duplicate Receipts for payment of the...
36 §1489. Crediting and apportionment of tax received - §1489. Crediting and apportionment of tax received 1. Municipal excise...
36 §1490. False statements to any person receiving tax - §1490. False statements to any person receiving tax Any person...
36 §1491. False entry on renewal forms - §1491. False entry on renewal forms Any person making a...