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Section 1 - (B) Continuous Body. The legislature is a continuous body during...
Section 2 - (D) Organizational Session. The legislature shall meet in an organizational...
Section 3 - The number of members of the legislature shall be provided...
Section 4 - (G) Salary limitation. Any increase in salary of any member...
Section 5 - (B) Filling Vacancy. A person elected to fill the remainder...
Section 6 - (C) Procedure. The procedure for review and for petition shall...
Section 7 - (C) Officers. Each house shall choose its officers, including a...
Section 8 - A member of the legislature shall be privileged from arrest,...
Section 9 - Legislative office is a public trust, and every effort to...
Section 10 - (C) Adjournment. When the legislature is in session, neither house...
Section 11 - There shall be a legislative auditor responsible solely to the...
Section 12 - (B) Additional Prohibition. The legislature shall not indirectly enact special...
Section 13 - (B) No local or special law relative to the creation...
Section 15 - (G) Majority Vote; Record Vote. No bill shall become law...
Section 16 - (E) Extraordinary Session. Except for expenses of the legislature, a...
Section 17 - (B) Resolutions. No joint, concurrent, or other resolution shall require...
Section 18 - (1) A bill vetoed and returned and subsequently approved by...
Section 19 - All laws enacted during a regular session of the legislature...
Section 20 - Only the legislature may suspend a law, and then only...