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304.18-010 Scope of subtitle -- Short title. - Waiting for content...
304.18-020 "Group health insurance" defined -- Eligible groups and benefits. - Waiting for content...
304.18-023 Repealed, 1996. - Waiting for content...
304.18-025 Repealed, 2000. - Waiting for content...
304.18-030 Required provisions in group policies. - Waiting for content...
304.18-032 Coverage for newly born children from moment of birth. - Waiting for content...
304.18-033 Optional nursery care coverage for a well newly born child. - Waiting for content...
304.18-034 Medicare supplement insurance for persons not eligible for Medicare by reason of age. - Waiting for content...
304.18-035 Ambulatory surgical centers, coverage. - Waiting for content...
304.18-036 Coverage for treatment for mental illness. - Waiting for content...
304.18-0363 Coverage for services of licensed psychologist or licensed clinical social worker. - Waiting for content...
304.18-0365 Coverage for treatment of temporomandibular joint disorders and craniomandibular jaw disorders. - Waiting for content...
304.18-037 Group or blanket health insurers to offer home health care coverage to master policyholder -- Conditions. - Waiting for content...
304.18-038 Repealed, 1992. - Waiting for content...
304.18-040 Direct payment of hospital, medical services. - Waiting for content...
304.18-045 Requirements for insurer that issues policy or administers program providing for utilization review of benefits. - Waiting for content...
304.18-050 Readjustment of premiums -- Dividends. - Waiting for content...
304.18-055 Repealed, 2000. - Waiting for content...
304.18-060 "Blanket health insurance" defined. - Waiting for content...
304.18-070 Filing and required provisions in blanket policies. - Waiting for content...
304.18-080 Application and certificates. - Waiting for content...
304.18-085 Commissioner to prescribe guidelines for coordination of benefits by group health insurance policies. - Waiting for content...
304.18-090 Payment of benefits under blanket policy. - Waiting for content...
304.18-095 Indemnity payable for services performed by optometrists, osteopaths, physicians, chiropractors, or podiatrists. - Waiting for content...
304.18-097 Policy covering services performed by dentist deemed to cover such services performed by physician. - Waiting for content...
304.18-098 Coverage for mammograms. - Waiting for content...
304.18-0983 Coverage for medical and surgical benefits with respect to mastectomy, diagnosis and treatment of endometrioses and endometritis, and bone density testing -- Duties of insurer. - Waiting for content...
304.18-0985 Coverage for treatment of breast cancer. - Waiting for content...
304.18-100 Legal liability of policyholders for death, injury to member insured under blanket policy. - Waiting for content...
304.18-110 Continuation of group coverage after termination of membership in group -- Notice of eligibility. - Waiting for content...
304.18-114 Conversion health insurance policy for member terminated under group policy -- Terms -- Situations in which conversion coverage need not be granted. - Waiting for content...
304.18-115 Repealed, 1994. - Waiting for content...
304.18-120 Minimum benefits under converted policy. - Waiting for content...
304.18-124 "Group policy" defined. - Waiting for content...
304.18-125 Liability for claims incurred during grace periods. - Waiting for content...
304.18-126 Policies to provide reasonable extension of benefits during disability -- Extensions to be described in group policies and certificates. - Waiting for content...
304.18-127 Transfer of liability when policy replaced by that of succeeding insurer. - Waiting for content...
304.18-130 Policies to cover treatment for alcoholism -- Exclusions. - Waiting for content...
304.18-140 Treatment of alcoholism -- Required provisions -- Minimum benefits. - Waiting for content...
304.18-150 Treatment of alcoholism, minimum benefits may be exceeded. - Waiting for content...
304.18-160 Alcoholism to be considered a disease. - Waiting for content...
304.18-170 Alcoholism, definitions, requirements for treatment. - Waiting for content...
304.18-180 Commissioner may adopt rules and regulations. - Waiting for content...