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41.010 Definitions for KRS 41.070, 41.110, 41.120, 41.130, 41.280, 41.290, or 41.300 -- Definitions for chapter. - Waiting for content...
41.020 Treasurer head of department -- Where to keep office. - Waiting for content...
41.025 Repealed, 2005. - Waiting for content...
41.030 Repealed, 1946. - Waiting for content...
41.040 Repealed, 1950. - Waiting for content...
41.050 Repealed, 2021. - Waiting for content...
41.060 Assistant treasurer. - Waiting for content...
41.070 Moneys to be deposited in state depositories -- Exceptions -- Designated depositories -- Records of agencies. - Waiting for content...
41.080 Repealed, 1968. - Waiting for content...
41.090 Repealed, 1968. - Waiting for content...
41.100 Treasurer to receive and acknowledge notification of moneys from state agencies. - Waiting for content...
41.110 Restrictions on withdrawals of money from Treasury. - Waiting for content...
41.120 Claims to be paid by warrants -- Warrant authorizes Treasurer to pay -- Manner of authorization. - Waiting for content...
41.130 Warrants -- Contents -- Conditions of issuance -- Unified and integrated system of accounts. - Waiting for content...
41.140 Repealed, 2021. - Waiting for content...
41.150 Repealed, 2021. - Waiting for content...
41.160 Payments to be made by Treasurer. - Waiting for content...
41.165 Wage payment by electronic transfer of funds -- Request forms. - Waiting for content...
41.167 Electronic funds transfers. - Waiting for content...
41.170 Repealed, 2021. - Waiting for content...
41.180 Repealed, 1968. - Waiting for content...
41.185 Repealed, 1968. - Waiting for content...
41.190 Repealed, 1968. - Waiting for content...
41.200 Warrants negotiable and tax-free. - Waiting for content...
41.210 Public money to be deposited in state depositories. - Waiting for content...
41.220 Designation of banks as state depositories -- Minimum capital stock requirement -- Use of banks if state depositories not designated. - Waiting for content...
41.230 Charges for services by state depositories -- Interest on deposits. - Waiting for content...
41.240 Pledge of collateral required of state depositories -- Qualifications for a reduced pledge -- Eligible securities and other obligations. - Waiting for content...
41.245 Repealed, 1972. - Waiting for content...
41.250 Liability of Treasurer and state depository not affected by bond or pledge. - Waiting for content...
41.260 Transfer of deposits among state depositories. - Waiting for content...
41.270 Repealed, 1998. - Waiting for content...
41.280 Unified and integrated system of accounts -- Annual report by Treasurer. - Waiting for content...
41.290 Private funds and contributions. - Waiting for content...
41.295 Repealed, 1954. - Waiting for content...
41.300 Special deposit trust fund. - Waiting for content...
41.305 Elder and vulnerable victims trust fund. - Waiting for content...
41.310 Treasurer to furnish information regarding receipts and expenditures to the Finance and Administration Cabinet on a monthly basis. - Waiting for content...
41.320 Governor may require statement of condition of Treasury. - Waiting for content...
41.330 Delivery of office to successor -- Certification of accounts and inventory -- Certification by assistant treasurer in case of vacancy due to death or incapacitation of Treasurer. - Waiting for content...
41.340 Repealed, 2021. - Waiting for content...
41.345 Photostatic copies of Treasury records -- Use as evidence. - Waiting for content...
41.350 Canceled checks and electronic transactions records to be kept ten years. - Waiting for content...
41.360 Disposition of unclaimed balances of payroll deductions for war bond purchases. - Waiting for content...
41.370 Check to be presented within one year -- Cancellation and warrant against check. - Waiting for content...
41.375 Issuance of duplicate check -- Liability for loss sustained by issuance. - Waiting for content...
41.380 Renumbered as KRS 42.500. - Waiting for content...
41.390 Repealed, 1997. - Waiting for content...
41.400 Child victims' trust fund -- Limitation on disbursement. - Waiting for content...
41.410 Commonwealth Council on Developmental Disabilities -- Members -- Executive director -- Duties. - Waiting for content...
41.415 STABLE Kentucky accounts -- Administration -- Cooperative agreements. - Waiting for content...
41.450 Kentucky Financial Empowerment Commission -- Board of directors -- Membership -- Terms -- Vacancies -- Removal -- Appeal. - Waiting for content...
41.455 Board chair and vice chair -- Quorum -- Meetings -- Expenses -- Conflict of interest -- Administrative support. - Waiting for content...
41.460 Powers and duties of commission and board -- Executive director. - Waiting for content...
41.465 Annual financial statement audit. - Waiting for content...
41.470 Legislative findings. - Waiting for content...
41.472 Definitions for KRS 41.470 to 41.476 -- Exemptions from statutory or common law obligations. - Waiting for content...
41.474 Maintenance of list of all financial companies engaged in energy company boycotts -- Communication with financial company regarding divestment or sale of publicly traded securities -- Divestment delay -- Exemptions. - Waiting for content...
41.476 Report of each state governmental entity – Authority of Attorney General and Treasurer. - Waiting for content...
41.480 Definitions for section -- Prohibition from entering into contract with a company engaging in energy company boycott. - Waiting for content...
41.600 Repealed, 2019. - Waiting for content...
41.605 Repealed, 1996. - Waiting for content...
41.606 Repealed, 2019. - Waiting for content...
41.610 Repealed, 2019. - Waiting for content...
41.615 Repealed, 2019. - Waiting for content...
41.620 Repealed, 2019. - Waiting for content...
41.625 Repealed, 1996. - Waiting for content...
41.990 Penalties. - Waiting for content...