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150.010 Definitions for chapter. - Waiting for content...
150.015 Purpose of 1952 Act amending game and fish laws -- Policy of state as to wildlife -- Liberal construction -- Promotion of hunger relief through wildlife management and conservation. - Waiting for content...
150.018 Repealed, 1976. - Waiting for content...
150.020 Repealed, 1944. - Waiting for content...
150.021 Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources -- Administrative attachment to Tourism, Arts, and Heritage Cabinet -- Assessment of fee for debt service on radio system capital project -- Department not subject to reorganization. - Waiting for content...
150.022 Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources Commission -- Appointment processes and conditions -- Definition of "sportsman.". - Waiting for content...
150.023 Meetings and functions of commission. - Waiting for content...
150.024 Power to acquire property -- Condemnation. - Waiting for content...
150.0241 Access to and use of commission-managed lands for hunting -- Duties of commission and other state agencies -- Reports. - Waiting for content...
150.0242 Department procurements -- Applicability of Executive Branch Code of Ethics. - Waiting for content...
150.025 Power of department to make administrative regulations as to game and fish, including seasons and limits -- Inclusion of administrative regulations on department's Web site. - Waiting for content...
150.026 Repealed, 1966. - Waiting for content...
150.027 Hearing required before promulgation, amendment, or repeal of administrative regulations affecting property owners or occupants of property adjacent to a lake or other real property owned or controlled by the department. - Waiting for content...
150.028 Required administrative regulations. - Waiting for content...
150.030 Repealed, 1944. - Waiting for content...
150.040 Repealed, 1944. - Waiting for content...
150.050 Repealed, 1944. - Waiting for content...
150.060 Repealed, 1944. - Waiting for content...
150.061 Commissioner -- Appointment -- Qualifications -- Term -- Removal -- Compensation -- Oath -- Bond -- Duties -- Annual report -- Authority to appoint additional employees if grant funds available. - Waiting for content...
150.065 Temporary employees. - Waiting for content...
150.070 Repealed, 1944. - Waiting for content...
150.071 Repealed, 1960. - Waiting for content...
150.072 Repealed, 1960. - Waiting for content...
150.080 Repealed, 1960. - Waiting for content...
150.081 Political activity forbidden. - Waiting for content...
150.083 Repealed, 1960. - Waiting for content...
150.090 Commissioner's power and duty to appoint all conservation officers considered to be necessary for the efficient administration of the department -- Each conservation officer is individually vested with the powers of a peace officer in all par... - Waiting for content...
150.091 Repealed, 2017. - Waiting for content...
150.092 Consent requirement for entry upon lands of another person -- Private lands incentive programs -- Arrest and citation authority. - Waiting for content...
150.095 Conservation officers may bear arms. - Waiting for content...
150.097 Indemnification by the Commonwealth of conservation officer who is sued in his or her individual capacity and personally suffers financial loss -- Indemnification contingent upon findings that the act or omission which resulted in liability w... - Waiting for content...
150.100 Execution of process by commissioner, department personnel and persons appointed by commissioner. (Effective until January 1, 2023). - Waiting for content...
150.100 Execution of process by commissioner, department personnel and persons appointed by commissioner. (Effective January 1, 2023). - Waiting for content...
150.105 Destruction or control of animals causing damage. - Waiting for content...
150.110 Enforcement of law as to mussels. - Waiting for content...
150.120 Seizure and sale of contraband. - Waiting for content...
150.130 County and Commonwealth's attorneys to enforce laws and regulations. - Waiting for content...
150.140 Report and payment of moneys by circuit clerk. - Waiting for content...
150.150 Game and fish fund -- Mussel beds -- Funds for hunger relief -- Accounting and report -- Contribution to Becoming an Outdoors-Woman Program. - Waiting for content...
150.152 Report of audit of department by Auditor of Public Accounts. - Waiting for content...
150.160 Disposition of fines. - Waiting for content...
150.165 Nongame fish and wildlife fund. - Waiting for content...
150.170 Requirement of hunting, fishing, trapping, or guide's license -- Exceptions -- Killing of wildlife causing damage -- Reporting requirements -- Reciprocity with adjoining states -- Exception for active duty or reserve members on military prope... - Waiting for content...
150.172 Possession and use of firearm for self-defense and defense of others while hunting or trapping -- Exceptions -- Administrative regulations. - Waiting for content...
150.175 Kinds of licenses and tags -- Multiyear licenses or permits. - Waiting for content...
150.176 Repealed, 1986. - Waiting for content...
150.177 Special permit for incorporated nonprofit wildlife conservation organization. - Waiting for content...
150.178 Cooperator permits -- Administrative regulations. - Waiting for content...
150.179 Waiver of license requirement and discounting of licenses or permits for event supporting a recreational activity -- Free-fishing weekend. - Waiting for content...
150.180 Buying, selling, or transporting protected wildlife, mussels and fishes, raw fur, or processed wildlife. - Waiting for content...
150.183 Importing, transporting or possessing endangered species of wildlife. - Waiting for content...
150.185 Repealed, 1968. - Waiting for content...
150.186 Release of hog or pig into the wild prohibited -- Importing, possessing, or transporting wild or feral pig or boar prohibited -- Accidental escape of livestock exempted. - Waiting for content...
150.190 Commercial guide's license. - Waiting for content...
150.195 Design, issuance, and distribution of licenses and permits -- Administrative regulations. - Waiting for content...
150.200 Repealed, 1994. - Waiting for content...
150.210 Repealed, 1994. - Waiting for content...
150.220 Repealed, 1958. - Waiting for content...
150.221 Repealed, 1956. - Waiting for content...
150.225 Prescription of license, permit, and registration fees -- Fiduciary capacity of person who collects, receives, possesses, or manages fees. - Waiting for content...
150.230 Repealed, 1994. - Waiting for content...
150.235 License or permit required -- To be carried on person -- Nonresidents -- Effect of revocation or suspension of license or permit. - Waiting for content...
150.236 Effect of revocation or suspension of license by another jurisdiction in United States or Canada. - Waiting for content...
150.237 Repealed, 1990. - Waiting for content...
150.238 Reciprocal agreements with other states relating to violations of hunting and fishing laws -- Administrative regulations. - Waiting for content...
150.240 Contract for game refuge -- Public or commercial shooting areas. - Waiting for content...
150.250 Contract for wildlife preservation or propagation. - Waiting for content...
150.255 Wetland or stream compensatory mitigation projects -- Mitigation fund -- Purposes. - Waiting for content...
150.260 Wildlife restoration in cooperation with federal government. - Waiting for content...
150.265 Repealed, 1952. - Waiting for content...
150.270 Consent to acquisition by United States of migratory bird reservations. - Waiting for content...
150.275 Permit to take and transport wildlife for commercial nuisance wildlife control, scientific, or educational purposes -- Fees to be set by administrative regulation. - Waiting for content...
150.280 Propagation and holding of protected wildlife -- Permits -- Revocation for violation of state or federal law. - Waiting for content...
150.290 Sale and transportation of wildlife by breeders. - Waiting for content...
150.300 Poaching -- Destroying or defacing signs and notices. - Waiting for content...
150.305 Possession of wildlife or raw fur out of season -- Inspection of commercial frozen food lockers. - Waiting for content...
150.310 Repealed, 1968. - Waiting for content...
150.320 Birds not protected -- Nests and eggs. - Waiting for content...
150.330 Migratory birds -- Waterfowl. - Waiting for content...
150.340 Bag and creel limits -- Limit on possession -- Migratory birds. - Waiting for content...
150.350 Repealed, 1944. - Waiting for content...
150.355 Ferrets. - Waiting for content...
150.360 Restrictions on taking of wildlife -- Discharge of weapon across public roadway prohibited. - Waiting for content...
150.361 Taking game with a firearm during bow season prohibited. - Waiting for content...
150.362 Prohibition against taking wildlife by person under influence of alcohol or controlled substance. - Waiting for content...
150.363 Computer-assisted remote hunting unlawful -- Citizens with disabilities. - Waiting for content...
150.365 Fire, explosives, electric devices, gas, smoke to take wildlife prohibited. - Waiting for content...
150.370 Open season for wildlife -- Exceptions. - Waiting for content...
150.380 Repealed, 1968. - Waiting for content...
150.390 Restrictions on hunting wild elk, deer, wild turkey, or bear -- Depredation permits -- Administrative regulations -- Methods to reduce deer and elk populations that threaten agriculture or health and human safety. - Waiting for content...
150.395 Prohibition against use of artificial light. - Waiting for content...
150.398 Repealed, 1952. - Waiting for content...
150.399 Traps illegally set or used -- Seizure or treatment as contraband. - Waiting for content...
150.400 Traps -- Approval -- Prohibition -- New design. - Waiting for content...
150.410 Tagging of traps -- Visiting trap line -- Protection of domestic animals. - Waiting for content...
150.411 Taxidermist's records -- Mounting. - Waiting for content...
150.4111 Sale of legally taken wildlife. - Waiting for content...
150.4112 Administrative regulations to allow resident nonprofit 501(c)(3) institution to sell donated mounted wildlife specimen. - Waiting for content...
150.4113 Administrative regulations to allow sale and purchase of mounted wildlife specimens -- Recording of sales. - Waiting for content...
150.412 Restriction on commercial guide's participation in taking of wildlife or fish while providing guide services. - Waiting for content...
150.415 Fur buyer -- Receipts for purchases. - Waiting for content...
150.416 Fur processor -- Receipts and inventory. - Waiting for content...
150.417 Nonresident accompanying resident fur buyer -- Presumption from. - Waiting for content...
150.420 Repealed, 1946. - Waiting for content...
150.425 Bounty on beaver. - Waiting for content...
150.430 Repealed, 1946. - Waiting for content...
150.440 Open season and creel limits for rough fish. - Waiting for content...
150.445 Fish not to be taken other than by pole and line near dams. - Waiting for content...
150.450 Use, operation, and possession of certain fishing gear. - Waiting for content...
150.460 Use of certain substances and devices in public waters prohibited -- Use of explosives and firearms prohibited. - Waiting for content...
150.470 Creel and size limits for fish. - Waiting for content...
150.480 Repealed, 1952. - Waiting for content...
150.485 Live fish and bait dealers. - Waiting for content...
150.490 Repealed, 1946. - Waiting for content...
150.500 Repealed, 1968. - Waiting for content...
150.510 Repealed, 1994. - Waiting for content...
150.520 Department may regulate musseling. - Waiting for content...
150.525 License for buying mussel shells or mussels in the shell. - Waiting for content...
150.530 Repealed, 1942. - Waiting for content...
150.540 Repealed, 1942. - Waiting for content...
150.550 Repealed, 1942. - Waiting for content...
150.560 Repealed, 1942. - Waiting for content...
150.570 Repealed, 1942. - Waiting for content...
150.580 Repealed, 1942. - Waiting for content...
150.590 Repealed, 1968. - Waiting for content...
150.600 Regulation of the taking of waterfowl. - Waiting for content...
150.603 Migratory bird/waterfowl permit required -- Exceptions -- Use of revenue generated by sale of migratory bird/waterfowl permit. - Waiting for content...
150.605 Repealed, 2013. - Waiting for content...
150.610 Issuance of revenue bonds for purpose of establishing public shooting areas, wildlife refuges, public fishing lakes or other projects -- Pledging of revenue -- Liens. - Waiting for content...
150.620 Acquisition of lands for establishment and maintenance of public shooting, fishing, and other recreational areas -- Operation of facilities and lands -- Subleasing of land. - Waiting for content...
150.625 Highway construction lakes. - Waiting for content...
150.630 Violations of law pertaining to shooting or hunting preserves -- Cancellation or revocation of license. - Waiting for content...
150.640 Acts of depredation prohibited while hunting, fishing or trapping -- Domestic livestock roaming on department lands prohibited. - Waiting for content...
150.645 Liability of landowner consenting to hunting, fishing, trapping, camping, or hiking on premises -- Claims for property damage by state employees participating in wildlife management practices. - Waiting for content...
150.650 Repealed, 1992. - Waiting for content...
150.660 Establishment of pay lakes, authority of commissioner concerning -- Stocking requirement -- Permits -- Revocation of license. - Waiting for content...
150.670 Repealed, 1992. - Waiting for content...
150.680 Concurrent criminal jurisdiction of portions of Trigg and Lyon Counties within boundaries of Land Between the Lakes ceded to United States. - Waiting for content...
150.690 Wrongfully entering park and injuring or killing deer, elk or buffalo -- Treble damages. - Waiting for content...
150.700 Destroying private fish pond -- Treble damages. - Waiting for content...
150.710 Intentional obstruction of lawful taking of wildlife. - Waiting for content...
150.720 Administrative regulations relating to cervids -- Costs resulting from importation of diseased animal. - Waiting for content...
150.722 Authorized methods of disposal of cervid carcass material and waste by cervid meat processors, butchers or meat processors, and licensed taxidermists. - Waiting for content...
150.725 Definitions for KRS 150.725 to 150.735. - Waiting for content...
150.730 Permits to hold captive cervids -- Amendments to existing holding and fencing requirements -- Duties of department. - Waiting for content...
150.735 Placement of primary containment fence -- Expansion of captive cervid facility -- Transfer of permits -- Violation of captive cervid law or regulation -- Rights and potential penalties. - Waiting for content...
150.740 Ban on live Cervidae importation except under certain conditions -- Penalties -- Reports on chronic wasting disease to be submitted to Interim Joint Committees annually -- Authority of department to seize captive cervids -- Hearing -- Appeal. - Waiting for content...
150.990 Penalties. - Waiting for content...
150.991 Repealed, 1975. - Waiting for content...
150.992 Repealed, 1988. - Waiting for content...
150.993 Repealed, 1988. - Waiting for content...
150.995 Violations for which additional restitution shall be paid to department. - Waiting for content...
150.999 Prepayment of fines subject to certain conditions. - Waiting for content...