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118.010 Repealed, 1972. - Waiting for content...
118.015 Definitions for chapter. - Waiting for content...
118.020 Repealed, 1972. - Waiting for content...
118.025 Voting to be by secret paper ballot -- General laws applicable -- Time for holding elections. - Waiting for content...
118.027 Suspension or revision of election statutes. - Waiting for content...
118.030 Repealed, 1972. - Waiting for content...
118.035 Hours polls to be open -- Employees to be allowed time off to vote, to apply for or execute absentee ballot, and to serve or train to be election officer. - Waiting for content...
118.040 Repealed, 1972. - Waiting for content...
118.045 Display of American flag at voting location. - Waiting for content...
118.050 Repealed, 1972. - Waiting for content...
118.060 Repealed, 1972. - Waiting for content...
118.070 Repealed, 1972. - Waiting for content...
118.080 Repealed, 1972. - Waiting for content...
118.090 Repealed, 1972. - Waiting for content...
118.100 Repealed, 1972. - Waiting for content...
118.105 Nominations by political parties -- Vacancy in candidacy -- Replacement candidates -- Exceptions -- Ineligibility of Senior Status Special Judge. - Waiting for content...
118.110 Repealed, 1972. - Waiting for content...
118.115 Nominations for unexpired terms -- Grouping of candidates on ballot -- Ineligibility of Senior Status Special Judge. - Waiting for content...
118.120 Repealed, 1972. - Waiting for content...
118.125 Procedure and form for candidate to get name on primary ballot -- Form in which name may appear on ballot. - Waiting for content...
118.126 When candidate for Governor must designate running mate for Lieutenant Governor -- Joint election of slate of candidates. - Waiting for content...
118.127 Repealed, 2020. - Waiting for content...
118.129 Spelling and form of candidate's name on ballot. - Waiting for content...
118.130 Repealed, 1972. - Waiting for content...
118.135 Repealed, 1972. - Waiting for content...
118.136 "Dummy" candidates prohibited. - Waiting for content...
118.140 Repealed, 1972. - Waiting for content...
118.145 Repealed, 1976. - Waiting for content...
118.150 Repealed, 1972. - Waiting for content...
118.155 Nomination of candidates serving in Armed Forces. - Waiting for content...
118.160 Repealed, 1972. - Waiting for content...
118.165 Filing of nomination papers -- Certification -- Ineligibility of Senior Status Special Judge. - Waiting for content...
118.170 Repealed, 1972. - Waiting for content...
118.171 Repealed, 1972. - Waiting for content...
118.173 Repealed, 1972. - Waiting for content...
118.175 Repealed, 1972. - Waiting for content...
118.176 Challenging bona fides of candidate. - Waiting for content...
118.180 Repealed, 1972. - Waiting for content...
118.185 Certification of unopposed candidate. - Waiting for content...
118.190 Repealed, 1972. - Waiting for content...
118.195 Inspection of nomination papers. - Waiting for content...
118.200 Repealed, 1972. - Waiting for content...
118.205 Register of candidates -- Display of information on Web site. - Waiting for content...
118.210 Repealed, 1972. - Waiting for content...
118.212 When candidate's name not to be certified or printed on ballot -- Effect of death or withdrawal of candidate -- Notice required at polls -- Penalty. - Waiting for content...
118.215 Certification of candidates or slates by Secretary of State -- Order of listing county offices -- Use of supplemental paper ballots -- Approval of State Board of Elections -- Ballot position unalterable. - Waiting for content...
118.220 Repealed, 1972. - Waiting for content...
118.225 Determination of order of names on ballot. - Waiting for content...
118.226 Filling vacancy in candidacy for Lieutenant Governor. - Waiting for content...
118.227 Repealed, 2020. - Waiting for content...
118.230 Repealed, 1972. - Waiting for content...
118.235 Repealed, 2003. - Waiting for content...
118.240 Repealed, 1972. - Waiting for content...
118.245 Number of votes necessary to nominate candidates -- Section not applicable to presidential primaries. - Waiting for content...
118.250 Repealed, 1972. - Waiting for content...
118.255 Fees. - Waiting for content...
118.260 Repealed, 1972. - Waiting for content...
118.270 Repealed, 1972. - Waiting for content...
118.280 Repealed, 1972. - Waiting for content...
118.290 Repealed, 1972. - Waiting for content...
118.300 Repealed, 1972. - Waiting for content...
118.305 Persons entitled to have name on ballot -- Certification of names of candidates -- Eligibility of candidates defeated in primary -- Notification of vacancy in elective office -- Ineligibility of Senior Status Special Judge. - Waiting for content...
118.310 Repealed, 1972. - Waiting for content...
118.315 Nomination for regular election by petition -- Form of petition -- Examination of petition -- Ineligibility of Senior Status Special Judge. - Waiting for content...
118.320 Repealed, 1972. - Waiting for content...
118.325 Nomination by convention or primary -- Vacancies -- Nominees by petition -- Ineligibility of Senior Status Special Judge. - Waiting for content...
118.327 Registers of candidates to be chosen by convention -- Display of information on Web site. - Waiting for content...
118.330 Repealed, 1972. - Waiting for content...
118.335 Effect of conflicting certificates and petitions of nomination. - Waiting for content...
118.340 Repealed, 1972. - Waiting for content...
118.345 Certain primary candidates barred from having names on regular election ballots -- Section not applicable to presidential preference primary candidates. - Waiting for content...
118.350 Repealed, 1972. - Waiting for content...
118.355 Repealed, 1972. - Waiting for content...
118.356 Filing of certificates and petitions of nomination. - Waiting for content...
118.360 Repealed, 1972. - Waiting for content...
118.365 Time for filing certificates and petitions of nomination -- Statement-of-candidacy forms -- Petitions for recall elections or elections on public questions. - Waiting for content...
118.367 Statement-of-candidacy form for independent, political organization, or political group candidate -- Exceptions -- Examination of forms. - Waiting for content...
118.370 Repealed, 1972. - Waiting for content...
118.375 Independent, political organization, or political group candidates filing to fill vacancy -- Ineligibility of Senior Status Special Judge. - Waiting for content...
118.380 Repealed, 1972. - Waiting for content...
118.385 Preservation of certain voting records. - Waiting for content...
118.387 Posting of candidate information to Web site by county clerk and Secretary of State. - Waiting for content...
118.390 Repealed, 1972. - Waiting for content...
118.395 Repealed, 1976. - Waiting for content...
118.400 Repealed, 1972. - Waiting for content...
118.405 Name of candidate to appear on ballot but once -- Exceptions for filling of vacancy. - Waiting for content...
118.410 Repealed, 1972. - Waiting for content...
118.415 Constitutional amendments. - Waiting for content...
118.420 Repealed, 1972. - Waiting for content...
118.425 Issuance of certificates of election -- Tie votes. - Waiting for content...
118.430 Repealed, 1972. - Waiting for content...
118.435 Time of election of presidential electors. - Waiting for content...
118.440 Repealed, 1972. - Waiting for content...
118.445 Meeting of presidential electors -- Filling vacancy if elector fails to attend. - Waiting for content...
118.450 Repealed, 1972. - Waiting for content...
118.455 Compensation of presidential electors. - Waiting for content...
118.465 Election of United States Senators. - Waiting for content...
118.475 Time of election of representatives in Congress. - Waiting for content...
118.485 Repealed, 1991. - Waiting for content...
118.495 Repealed, 1991. - Waiting for content...
118.550 Repealed, 1984. - Waiting for content...
118.551 Definition of political party. - Waiting for content...
118.555 Methods by which to determine a political party's delegate votes for presidential candidates. - Waiting for content...
118.560 Repealed, 1984. - Waiting for content...
118.561 Presidential preference primary election. - Waiting for content...
118.570 Repealed, 1984. - Waiting for content...
118.571 Voter qualification. - Waiting for content...
118.580 Repealed, 1984. - Waiting for content...
118.581 Nomination of candidates by State Board of Elections. - Waiting for content...
118.590 Repealed, 1984. - Waiting for content...
118.591 Nomination of presidential preference primary candidate by petition -- Qualification of candidate through filing of notice of candidacy. - Waiting for content...
118.600 Repealed, 1984. - Waiting for content...
118.601 Notification of nominees by Secretary of State -- Order of names on ballot -- Certification of candidates. - Waiting for content...
118.610 Repealed, 1984. - Waiting for content...
118.611 Candidates required to make deposit with Secretary of State -- Refund -- Escheat to Commonwealth. - Waiting for content...
118.620 Repealed, 1984. - Waiting for content...
118.621 Secretary of State to place candidates' names on ballot -- Provisions for casting uncommitted vote. - Waiting for content...
118.630 Repealed, 1984. - Waiting for content...
118.631 Certification of results of preference primary. - Waiting for content...
118.640 Repealed, 1984. - Waiting for content...
118.641 Distribution of authorized delegate vote among party candidates. - Waiting for content...
118.650 Repealed, 1984. - Waiting for content...
118.651 Notice to political party's national committee. - Waiting for content...
118.710 Proclamation for special election of Governor. - Waiting for content...
118.720 Proclamation for special election for Congressional representative. - Waiting for content...
118.730 Writ for special election for member of General Assembly -- Location where voting to be conducted when only one candidate nominated -- Exceptions. - Waiting for content...
118.740 Delivery of proclamations and writs to sheriffs -- Notice of election or special election. - Waiting for content...
118.750 Publication of proclamations and writs by sheriffs. - Waiting for content...
118.760 Nominations of candidates for special elections. - Waiting for content...
118.770 Time for filing petitions and certificates of nomination for special election of Governor, congressional representative or General Assembly member. - Waiting for content...
118.775 Person elected to fill vacancy to take office immediately upon certification of results and administration of oath -- Determination by house of General Assembly. - Waiting for content...
118.780 Repealed, 1976. - Waiting for content...
118.790 Repealed, 1976. - Waiting for content...
118.990 Repealed, 1974. - Waiting for content...
118.995 Penalties. - Waiting for content...