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8-601 Definition of words and phrases. - 8-601. Definition of words and phrases. The following words and...
8-602 Free competition. - 8-602. Free competition. It hereby is declared to be the...
8-603 Certain financing agreements declared void. - 8-603. Certain financing agreements declared void. It shall be unlawful...
8-604 Same; prima facie evidence of sale prohibited under 8-603. - 8-604. Same; prima facie evidence of sale prohibited under 8-603....
8-605 Duty of attorney general or county attorney. - 8-605. Duty of attorney general or county attorney. For a...
8-606 Violations by foreign corporations and associations; injunction; revocation of license. - 8-606. Violations by foreign corporations and associations; injunction; revocation of...
8-607 Penalty for violating 8-601 to 8-610. - 8-607. Penalty for violating 8-601 to 8-610. Any person who...
8-608 Damage actions. - 8-608. Damage actions. In addition to the penalties herein provided,...
8-609 Contracts and agreements in violation deemed void. - 8-609. Contracts and agreements in violation deemed void. Any contract...
8-610 Invalidity of part. - 8-610. Invalidity of part. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause...