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72-8261 Text of compact. - 72-8261. Text of compact. The compact for education is hereby...
72-8262 Kansas members of the education commission of the states; terms; vacancies; meetings. - 72-8262. Kansas members of the education commission of the states;...
72-8263 Filing bylaws with secretary of state. - 72-8263. Filing bylaws with secretary of state. Pursuant to article...
72-8264 Education commission of the states; compensation and expenses. - 72-8264. Education commission of the states; compensation and expenses. Compensation...
72-8265 Text of agreement. - 72-8265. Text of agreement. The interstate agreement on qualification of...
72-8266 Designated state official; duties. - 72-8266. Designated state official; duties. The designated state official for...
72-8267 Contracts made pursuant to agreement; where copies filed; publication of certain information required. - 72-8267. Contracts made pursuant to agreement; where copies filed; publication...
72-8268 Interstate compact on educational opportunity for military children. - 72-8268. Interstate compact on educational opportunity for military children. The...