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Article 1 - General Provisions
71-120 Community colleges; official designation. - 71-120. Community colleges; official designation. (a) On and after the...
Article 2 - Organization, Powers And Finances Of Boards Of Trustees
71-201 Boards of trustees; powers and duties. - 71-201. Boards of trustees; powers and duties. (a) The board...
71-201a Contracts; indemnification or hold harmless provision, void. - 71-201a. Contracts; indemnification or hold harmless provision, void. (a) It...
71-201b Contracts; governed by Kansas law. - 71-201b. Contracts; governed by Kansas law. (a) It is the...
71-201c Contracts; mandatory provisions. - 71-201c. Contracts; mandatory provisions. (a) Except as provided by subsection...
71-203 Scholarships; limitations on use of public funds. - 71-203. Scholarships; limitations on use of public funds. The board...
71-204 Tax levy authorization; determination of amount; budget. - 71-204. Tax levy authorization; determination of amount; budget. (a) For...
71-205 Off-campus instruction at Fort Leavenworth military reservation. - 71-205. Off-campus instruction at Fort Leavenworth military reservation. For the...
71-206 Same; disposition of funds. - 71-206. Same; disposition of funds. Any community college board shall...
71-210 Affiliation with certain organizations and associations; payment of dues, membership fees authorized. - 71-210. Affiliation with certain organizations and associations; payment of dues,...
71-211 Standardized and uniform chart of accounts; use required. - 71-211. Standardized and uniform chart of accounts; use required. The...
71-212 Early retirement incentive programs; establishment authorized; purposes; payment limitations; program report required. - 71-212. Early retirement incentive programs; establishment authorized; purposes; payment limitations;...
71-213 Same; budget authorization. - 71-213. Same; budget authorization. The board of trustees is hereby...
71-214 Same; limitation on rights creation. - 71-214. Same; limitation on rights creation. Nothing in this act...
71-215 Evaluation of employees; definitions. - 71-215. Evaluation of employees; definitions. As used in K.S.A. 71-216...
71-216 Policy of personnel evaluation; adoption; forms; contents; time. - 71-216. Policy of personnel evaluation; adoption; forms; contents; time. Each...
71-217 Same; evaluation policies; criteria; development; procedure; evaluation required prior to contract renewal. - 71-217. Same; evaluation policies; criteria; development; procedure; evaluation required prior...
71-218 Same; evaluation documents; presentation to employee; acknowledgment; limited availability. - 71-218. Same; evaluation documents; presentation to employee; acknowledgment; limited availability....
71-221 Identification of courses that transfer to all state educational institutions; publication thereof. - 71-221. Identification of courses that transfer to all state educational...
71-222 Taxpayer and student transparency data report; contents; publication thereof. - 71-222. Taxpayer and student transparency data report; contents; publication thereof....
Article 3 - Out-district And Student Tuition
71-301 Student tuition and fees; purpose and expenditure of fees charged. - 71-301. Student tuition and fees; purpose and expenditure of fees...
Article 4 - Residence Determination
71-406 State residence; determination for state entitlements; rules and regulations. - 71-406. State residence; determination for state entitlements; rules and regulations....
71-407 Same; certain persons considered state residents; definitions; eligibility criteria. - 71-407. Same; certain persons considered state residents; definitions; eligibility criteria....
Article 5 - Capital Outlay
71-501 Tax levy; authorization; purposes; conditions; protest; election; additional levy; renewal procedures; definition. - 71-501. Tax levy; authorization; purposes; conditions; protest; election; additional levy;...
71-501a Capital outlay fund; establishment; sources. - 71-501a. Capital outlay fund; establishment; sources. There is hereby established...
71-502 Bonds in lieu of capital outlay levy; limitations. - 71-502. Bonds in lieu of capital outlay levy; limitations. (a)...
71-507 Refraining from making authorized levy; effect. - 71-507. Refraining from making authorized levy; effect. If any community...
71-508 Validity of prior tax levies and bonds not affected. - 71-508. Validity of prior tax levies and bonds not affected....
Article 6 - State Aid And Fiscal Provisions
71-601 Definitions. - 71-601. Definitions. (a) "Credit hour" means the basic unit of...
71-603 Certification to state board of credit hour enrollments and property valuations. - 71-603. Certification to state board of credit hour enrollments and...
71-604 State aid; proration of insufficient appropriation; overpayments; underpayments. - 71-604. State aid; proration of insufficient appropriation; overpayments; underpayments. (a)...
71-605 Same; distribution, when; credit to general fund. - 71-605. Same; distribution, when; credit to general fund. The distribution...
71-606 Curriculum limitation. - 71-606. Curriculum limitation. The provisions of this act shall apply...
71-609 Same; subjects and courses taught outside home county, certain authorizations required. - 71-609. Same; subjects and courses taught outside home county, certain...
71-609a Same; disallowance for certain credit hours. - 71-609a. Same; disallowance for certain credit hours. No amount of...
71-611 Definitions; operating expenses; legally adopted budget; general fund. - 71-611. Definitions; operating expenses; legally adopted budget; general fund. (a)...
71-612 Budget authority. - 71-612. Budget authority. In any fiscal year, each community college...
71-614 General fund; transfer authorizations; operating expense; certain expenditures prohibited. - 71-614. General fund; transfer authorizations; operating expense; certain expenditures prohibited....
71-615 Exceeding budget; penalty. - 71-615. Exceeding budget; penalty. If a community college expends in...
71-617 Adult basic education; tax levy authorized, limitations, protest; fund, sources; expenses. - 71-617. Adult basic education; tax levy authorized, limitations, protest; fund,...
71-620 Grants; eligibility and amount; disallowance for certain credit hours; determination of residency. - 71-620. Grants; eligibility and amount; disallowance for certain credit hours;...
Article 7 - Definitions Of General Application
71-701 Definitions. - 71-701. Definitions. As used in this act: (a) "Board of...
71-702 Citation of act. - 71-702. Citation of act. This act shall be known and...
Article 8 - Supervision By State Board Of Regents
71-801 Supervision; core indicators of quality performance; data management system. - 71-801. Supervision; core indicators of quality performance; data management system....
71-802 Loss of approval of college; loss of state aid. - 71-802. Loss of approval of college; loss of state aid....
Article 11 - New Community Colleges
71-1101 Application to organize; preparatory study. - 71-1101. Application to organize; preparatory study. (a) Any one or...
71-1102 Standards for approval. - 71-1102. Standards for approval. Every community college shall meet the...
71-1103 Establishment; approval by state board; approval at election. - 71-1103. Establishment; approval by state board; approval at election. (a)...
71-1104 Establishment; election for approval; determination of result. - 71-1104. Establishment; election for approval; determination of result. Whenever an...
71-1105 Order establishing new college; contents. - 71-1105. Order establishing new college; contents. The order of the...
71-1106 Same; certification of order establishing. - 71-1106. Same; certification of order establishing. The order establishing any...
71-1107 Election laws applicable to this article. - 71-1107. Election laws applicable to this article. The provisions of...
71-1108 Moratorium on new community colleges. - 71-1108. Moratorium on new community colleges. No community college shall...
Article 12 - Attachment Of Territory
71-1201 Territory attachment; elections, when; limitations and approvals. - 71-1201. Territory attachment; elections, when; limitations and approvals. Territory may...
Article 13 - Consolidation Of Community Colleges
71-1301 Authorization to agree to consolidate. - 71-1301. Authorization to agree to consolidate. In accordance with the...
71-1302 Agreement to consolidate; content. - 71-1302. Agreement to consolidate; content. Any agreement entered into under...
71-1303 Same; state board approval of agreements. - 71-1303. Same; state board approval of agreements. Agreements to consolidate...
71-1304 Election for approval of consolidation. - 71-1304. Election for approval of consolidation. The territory of the...
71-1305 Same; certification of election results; state board's order of establishment. - 71-1305. Same; certification of election results; state board's order of...
71-1306 Election of board of trustees after consolidation approved. - 71-1306. Election of board of trustees after consolidation approved. (a)...
71-1307 Bond debt assumption or retention upon consolidation. - 71-1307. Bond debt assumption or retention upon consolidation. Upon the...
71-1308 Transfer of property and funds upon consolidation. - 71-1308. Transfer of property and funds upon consolidation. The assets...
71-1309 Definitions. - 71-1309. Definitions. As used in article 13 of chapter 71...
Article 14 - Community College Elections
71-1401 Citation of act. - 71-1401. Citation of act. This act shall be known and...
71-1402 Definitions. - 71-1402. Definitions. As used in this act: (a) "Community college"...
71-1403 Board of trustees; composition; methods of election; membership prohibited for college employees. - 71-1403. Board of trustees; composition; methods of election; membership prohibited...
71-1403a Same; seven member plan, adoption and implementation authorized; procedure; protest petition, election. - 71-1403a. Same; seven member plan, adoption and implementation authorized; procedure;...
71-1404 Change of method of election. - 71-1404. Change of method of election. Any community college may...
71-1405 Change to district method of election. - 71-1405. Change to district method of election. Any board desiring...
71-1406 Change of method of election, how determined. - 71-1406. Change of method of election, how determined. (a) Determination...
71-1407 Member districts and member positions; numbering; residence of member. - 71-1407. Member districts and member positions; numbering; residence of member....
71-1408 Method of election; when change may be made. - 71-1408. Method of election; when change may be made. Change...
71-1409 Election for approval of change. - 71-1409. Election for approval of change. Upon the determination of...
71-1410 Petition for change of method of election; plan of change; approval by state board; number of required signatures. - 71-1410. Petition for change of method of election; plan of...
71-1411 Same; notice of election; ballots; canvas and report of election. - 71-1411. Same; notice of election; ballots; canvas and report of...
71-1412 Terms of members. - 71-1412. Terms of members. Each member of the board of...
71-1413 Duties of county election officer; dates of primary and general elections specified. - 71-1413. Duties of county election officer; dates of primary and...
71-1414 Candidacy for election to board of trustees; petition or declaration of intent; filing fee; deadline. - 71-1414. Candidacy for election to board of trustees; petition or...
71-1415 Primary election, when; write-in candidates. - 71-1415. Primary election, when; write-in candidates. (a) In college districts...
71-1416 Correlation with other local elections. - 71-1416. Correlation with other local elections. Primary and general elections...
71-1418 Notices of election, publication. - 71-1418. Notices of election, publication. The election officer shall prescribe...
71-1419 Elections to be nonpartisan; application of other laws. - 71-1419. Elections to be nonpartisan; application of other laws. The...
71-1420 Voting plans. - 71-1420. Voting plans. Any of the three voting plans described...
71-1422 Board of trustees of Cowley county community college; additional member from Sumner county authorized; elections; candidacy; terms; financial support contingency. - 71-1422. Board of trustees of Cowley county community college; additional...
Article 15 - Miscellaneous Provisions
71-1502 Retention of retirement benefits; Kansas school retirement law. - 71-1502. Retention of retirement benefits; Kansas school retirement law. All...
71-1503 Severability of 1965 act. - 71-1503. Severability of 1965 act. If any clause, paragraph, subsection...
71-1504 Severability of 1968 act. - 71-1504. Severability of 1968 act. If any clause, paragraph, subsection...
71-1507 Career technical education programs; agreements for transfers authorized, conditions. - 71-1507. Career technical education programs; agreements for transfers authorized, conditions....
71-1508 Motorcycle driver safety; fund, sources, use; state entitlements for courses disallowed. - 71-1508. Motorcycle driver safety; fund, sources, use; state entitlements for...
71-1509 Truck driver training courses at community colleges; establishing truck driver training course fund. - 71-1509. Truck driver training courses at community colleges; establishing truck...
71-1510 Hutchinson community college authorized to acquire certain land and construct public radio repeater station. - 71-1510. Hutchinson community college authorized to acquire certain land and...
Article 16 - Purchase Of Insurance
71-1601 Student insurance; personal property, loss, theft, damage; purchase authorized. - 71-1601. Student insurance; personal property, loss, theft, damage; purchase authorized....
71-1602 Same; sickness, bodily injury, accidental death; authorization to purchase. - 71-1602. Same; sickness, bodily injury, accidental death; authorization to purchase....
Article 17 - Consolidation Of Vocational Schools With Community Colleges
71-1701 Authorization to consolidate; approval by state board of regents required, when; operation, management and control of community college not affected; applicability of statutes. - 71-1701. Authorization to consolidate; approval by state board of regents...
71-1702 Agreements; required provisions; notification of state board of regents; review and approval; conflict resolution. - 71-1702. Agreements; required provisions; notification of state board of regents;...
71-1703 Advisory boards, establishment upon consolidation, duties, meetings; program area advisory councils, appointment, qualifications, terms. - 71-1703. Advisory boards, establishment upon consolidation, duties, meetings; program area...
71-1704 Judicial, administrative and criminal actions; rights preserved. - 71-1704. Judicial, administrative and criminal actions; rights preserved. (a) No...
Article 18 - Postsecondary Tiered Technical Education State Aid Act
71-1801 Postsecondary tiered technical education state aid act; citation. - 71-1801. Postsecondary tiered technical education state aid act; citation. K.S.A....
71-1802 Same; definitions. - 71-1802. Same; definitions. As used in K.S.A. 71-1801 through 71-1810,...
71-1803 Same; eligibility for state aid; determination of residency. - 71-1803. Same; eligibility for state aid; determination of residency. (a)...
71-1804 Same; certification of information provided. - 71-1804. Same; certification of information provided. In accordance with deadlines...
71-1805 Same; distribution, when; credit to appropriate fund. - 71-1805. Same; distribution, when; credit to appropriate fund. One-half of...
71-1806 Same; no state aid for certain credit hours. - 71-1806. Same; no state aid for certain credit hours. No...
71-1807 Same; failure to comply with law, penalty. - 71-1807. Same; failure to comply with law, penalty. At any...
71-1808 Same; establishment of funds for deposit of state aid; use of money; accounting procedures. - 71-1808. Same; establishment of funds for deposit of state aid;...
71-1809 Same; transfer of money from general fund; limitation on expenditures. - 71-1809. Same; transfer of money from general fund; limitation on...
71-1810 Same; policies adopted by state board. - 71-1810. Same; policies adopted by state board. The state board...