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61-3601 Stay of proceedings to enforce judgments. - 61-3601. Stay of proceedings to enforce judgments. The provisions of...
61-3602 Procedure. - 61-3602. Procedure. General and special executions or orders of sale...
61-3603 Exemption from seizure and sale. - 61-3603. Exemption from seizure and sale. The provisions of article...
61-3604 Hearing in aid of execution. - 61-3604. Hearing in aid of execution. (a) As an aid...
61-3605 Order back procedure. - 61-3605. Order back procedure. If a judgment debtor appears pursuant...
61-3606 Contempt. - 61-3606. Contempt. If a person fails to appear in response...
61-3607 Same; hearing; penalty. - 61-3607. Same; hearing; penalty. If on hearing, the court determines...
61-3608 Bench warrant; hearing; penalty. - 61-3608. Bench warrant; hearing; penalty. (a) If a person fails...
61-3609 Service at place of employment. - 61-3609. Service at place of employment. If the judgment debtor...
61-3610 Dormant judgment; revivor. - 61-3610. Dormant judgment; revivor. The provisions of K.S.A. 60-2403 and...
61-3611 Substitution of judgment creditor. - 61-3611. Substitution of judgment creditor. Any person who claims to...