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60-31a01 Citation and construction of act. - 60-31a01. Citation and construction of act. (a) K.S.A. 60-31a01 through...
60-31a02 Definitions. - 60-31a02. Definitions. As used in the protection from stalking, sexual...
60-31a03 Jurisdiction. - 60-31a03. Jurisdiction. The district courts shall have jurisdiction over all...
60-31a04 Commencement of proceedings; persons seeking relief on behalf of minor; forms; no docket fee; confidentiality exceptions. - 60-31a04. Commencement of proceedings; persons seeking relief on behalf of...
60-31a05 Hearing; temporary orders pending hearing. - 60-31a05. Hearing; temporary orders pending hearing. (a) Within 21 days...
60-31a06 Orders; time periods; extension of orders; amendments; costs. - 60-31a06. Orders; time periods; extension of orders; amendments; costs. (a)...
60-31a07 Notice of protection orders. - 60-31a07. Notice of protection orders. A copy of any order...
60-31a08 Procedure. - 60-31a08. Procedure. Except as otherwise provided in the protection from...
60-31a09 Contempt. - 60-31a09. Contempt. If, upon hearing, the court finds a violation...