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58-2501 Tenants at will; terms of lease in certain cases. - 58-2501. Tenants at will; terms of lease in certain cases....
58-2501a When tenant may remove buildings and improvements. - 58-2501a. When tenant may remove buildings and improvements. Where the...
58-2502 Tenants from year to year. - 58-2502. Tenants from year to year. When premises are let...
58-2503 Rent payable at intervals. - 58-2503. Rent payable at intervals. When rent is reserved payable...
58-2504 Termination of tenancy at will; notice. - 58-2504. Termination of tenancy at will; notice. Thirty days' notice...
58-2505 Termination of tenancy from year-to-year; notice. - 58-2505. Termination of tenancy from year-to-year; notice. All tenancies from...
58-2506 Termination of farm or pastureland tenancy; notice. - 58-2506. Termination of farm or pastureland tenancy; notice. (a) Except...
58-2506a Termination of farm tenancies; landlord's liability for certain substances and services provided by tenant. - 58-2506a. Termination of farm tenancies; landlord's liability for certain substances...
58-2507 Termination of lease for three months or longer; notice; effect of payment of rent. - 58-2507. Termination of lease for three months or longer; notice;...
58-2508 Termination of tenancy of less than three months for nonpayment of rent; notice. - 58-2508. Termination of tenancy of less than three months for...
58-2509 Notice to quit not necessary, when. - 58-2509. Notice to quit not necessary, when. Where the time...
58-2510 Service of notice of termination of lease or tenancy. - 58-2510. Service of notice of termination of lease or tenancy....
58-2511 Assignment or transfer by tenant, when. - 58-2511. Assignment or transfer by tenant, when. No tenant for...
58-2512 Same; re-entry upon violation of 58-2511. - 58-2512. Same; re-entry upon violation of 58-2511. If any tenant...
58-2513 Attornment of tenant unnecessary; payment of rent. - 58-2513. Attornment of tenant unnecessary; payment of rent. A conveyance...
58-2514 Attornment of tenant to stranger void, when. - 58-2514. Attornment of tenant to stranger void, when. The attornment...
58-2515 Remedies of sublessees. - 58-2515. Remedies of sublessees. Sublessees shall have the same remedy...
58-2516 Remedies of alienees of lessors and lessees. - 58-2516. Remedies of alienees of lessors and lessees. Alienees of...
58-2517 Rents from lands granted for life. - 58-2517. Rents from lands granted for life. Rents from lands...
58-2518 Recovery of rents dependent on life of another. - 58-2518. Recovery of rents dependent on life of another. A...
58-2519 Executors and administrators, remedies and liabilities. - 58-2519. Executors and administrators, remedies and liabilities. Executors and administrators...
58-2520 Occupant without special contract. - 58-2520. Occupant without special contract. The occupant without special contract,...
58-2521 Repairs and improvements by cotenant. - 58-2521. Repairs and improvements by cotenant. If a joint tenant,...
58-2522 Recovery by cotenant of rents and profits. - 58-2522. Recovery by cotenant of rents and profits. A joint...
58-2523 Action by remainderman or reversioner for waste or trespass. - 58-2523. Action by remainderman or reversioner for waste or trespass....
58-2524 Rent as lien on crop. - 58-2524. Rent as lien on crop. Any rent due for...
58-2525 Same; lessor's remedies when rent payable in share of crop. - 58-2525. Same; lessor's remedies when rent payable in share of...
58-2526 Recovery of rent from purchaser of crop. - 58-2526. Recovery of rent from purchaser of crop. The person...
58-2527 Attachment for nonpayment of rent; grounds; affidavit and bond. - 58-2527. Attachment for nonpayment of rent; grounds; affidavit and bond....
58-2528 Same; contents of affidavit; proceedings. - 58-2528. Same; contents of affidavit; proceedings. In an action to...
58-2530 Tenant may waive exemptions. - 58-2530. Tenant may waive exemptions. A tenant may waive, in...
58-2531 Leasing of farm lands; provisions in certain contracts enumerated. - 58-2531. Leasing of farm lands; provisions in certain contracts enumerated....
58-2532 Terms of such contracts variant from approved rental agreements. - 58-2532. Terms of such contracts variant from approved rental agreements....
58-2533 Such lease contracts against public policy and unenforceable; tenants to pay fair and reasonable sums. - 58-2533. Such lease contracts against public policy and unenforceable; tenants...
58-2540 Title of act. - 58-2540. Title of act. This act shall be known and...
58-2541 Arrangements not subject to act. - 58-2541. Arrangements not subject to act. Unless created to avoid...
58-2542 Jurisdiction of courts; procedure. - 58-2542. Jurisdiction of courts; procedure. The district court shall have...
58-2543 Definitions. - 58-2543. Definitions. As used in this act: (a) "Action" includes...
58-2544 Finding of unconscionability; remedies; evidence. - 58-2544. Finding of unconscionability; remedies; evidence. (a) If the court,...
58-2545 Rental agreement; terms and conditions in absence thereof. - 58-2545. Rental agreement; terms and conditions in absence thereof. (a)...
58-2546 Same; agreement not signed and delivered given effect by certain actions; limitation on term. - 58-2546. Same; agreement not signed and delivered given effect by...
58-2547 Same; prohibited terms and conditions; damages. - 58-2547. Same; prohibited terms and conditions; damages. (a) No rental...
58-2548 Inventory of premises by landlord and tenant, when; copies. - 58-2548. Inventory of premises by landlord and tenant, when; copies....
58-2549 Receipt of rent subject to certain obligations. - 58-2549. Receipt of rent subject to certain obligations. A rental...
58-2550 Security deposits; amounts; retention; return; damages for noncompliance. - 58-2550. Security deposits; amounts; retention; return; damages for noncompliance. (a)...
58-2551 Disclosures required of landlord or person authorized to enter rental agreement; person failing to comply becomes landlord's agent for certain purposes. - 58-2551. Disclosures required of landlord or person authorized to enter...
58-2552 Delivery of possession of premises; action for possession; damages. - 58-2552. Delivery of possession of premises; action for possession; damages....
58-2553 Duties of landlord; agreement that tenant perform landlord's duties; limitations. - 58-2553. Duties of landlord; agreement that tenant perform landlord's duties;...
58-2554 Conveyance by landlord or termination by manager; notice; no liability for subsequent events. - 58-2554. Conveyance by landlord or termination by manager; notice; no...
58-2555 Duties of tenant. - 58-2555. Duties of tenant. The tenant shall: (a) Comply with...
58-2556 Rules and regulations of landlord; when enforceable. - 58-2556. Rules and regulations of landlord; when enforceable. A landlord,...
58-2557 Landlord's right to enter; limitations. - 58-2557. Landlord's right to enter; limitations. (a) The landlord shall...
58-2558 Use of premises; extended absence of tenant. - 58-2558. Use of premises; extended absence of tenant. Unless otherwise...
58-2559 Material noncompliance by landlord; notice; termination of rental agreement; limitations; remedies; security deposit. - 58-2559. Material noncompliance by landlord; notice; termination of rental agreement;...
58-2560 Failure by landlord to deliver possession; remedies. - 58-2560. Failure by landlord to deliver possession; remedies. If the...
58-2561 Action for possession for nonpayment of rent; counterclaim, waiver; accrued rent, payment into court; disposition; when judgment for tenant. - 58-2561. Action for possession for nonpayment of rent; counterclaim, waiver;...
58-2562 Damage or destruction by fire or casualty; termination of rental agreement; notice; vacation of part of dwelling; reduction of rent; security deposit. - 58-2562. Damage or destruction by fire or casualty; termination of...
58-2563 Unlawful removal or exclusion of tenant; diminished services; damages; security deposit. - 58-2563. Unlawful removal or exclusion of tenant; diminished services; damages;...
58-2564 Material noncompliance by tenant; notice; termination of rental agreement; limitations; nonpayment of rent; remedies. - 58-2564. Material noncompliance by tenant; notice; termination of rental agreement;...
58-2565 Extended absence of tenant; damages; entry by landlord; abandonment by tenant, when; reasonable effort to rent required; termination of rental agreement, when; personal property of tenant; disposition, procedure; proceeds; rights of person re... - 58-2565. Extended absence of tenant; damages; entry by landlord; abandonment...
58-2566 Acceptance of late rent; effect. - 58-2566. Acceptance of late rent; effect. Acceptance of late payment...
58-2567 Lien or security interest in tenant's personal property unenforceable; distraint abolished, exception. - 58-2567. Lien or security interest in tenant's personal property unenforceable;...
58-2568 Landlord's remedies upon termination of rental agreement. - 58-2568. Landlord's remedies upon termination of rental agreement. Upon termination...
58-2569 Landlord's recovery or possession of dwelling; limitations. - 58-2569. Landlord's recovery or possession of dwelling; limitations. A landlord...
58-2570 Termination of tenancy; notice; holdover by tenant; remedies; notice obligating tenant beyond terms of lease agreement, form. - 58-2570. Termination of tenancy; notice; holdover by tenant; remedies; notice...
58-2571 Tenant's refusal to allow lawful access; remedies; landlord's unlawful or unreasonable entry; remedies. - 58-2571. Tenant's refusal to allow lawful access; remedies; landlord's unlawful...
58-2572 Certain retaliatory actions by landlord prohibited; remedies; increased rent, when; action for possession, when. - 58-2572. Certain retaliatory actions by landlord prohibited; remedies; increased rent,...
58-2573 Inapplicability of act. - 58-2573. Inapplicability of act. The provisions of this act shall...
58-25,100 Title of Act. - 58-25,100. Title of Act. K.S.A. 58-25,100 through 58-25,126 shall be...
58-25,101 Application of act, exclusions. - 58-25,101. Application of act, exclusions. The provisions of this act...
58-25,102 Jurisdiction of courts; procedure. - 58-25,102. Jurisdiction of courts; procedure. The district court shall have...
58-25,103 Definitions. - 58-25,103. Definitions. Subject to additional definitions contained in subsequent sections...
58-25,104 Finding of unconscionability, remedies; evidence. - 58-25,104. Finding of unconscionability, remedies; evidence. (a) If the court,...
58-25,105 Terms and conditions of rental agreement; terms and conditions in absence of rental agreement; notice of tenant's rights under act. - 58-25,105. Terms and conditions of rental agreement; terms and conditions...
58-25,106 Prohibited terms and conditions. - 58-25,106. Prohibited terms and conditions. (a) A rental agreement shall...
58-25,107 Receipt of rent subject to certain obligations. - 58-25,107. Receipt of rent subject to certain obligations. A rental...
58-25,108 Security deposits. - 58-25,108. Security deposits. (a) A landlord shall not demand or...
58-25,109 Disclosures required of landlord or person authorized to enter rental agreement; person failing to comply becomes landlord's agent for certain purposes; rental agreement not signed and delivered given effect by certain actions, limitation o... - 58-25,109. Disclosures required of landlord or person authorized to enter...
58-25,110 Delivery of possession of mobile home space; action for possession; damages. - 58-25,110. Delivery of possession of mobile home space; action for...
58-25,111 Duties of landlord. - 58-25,111. Duties of landlord. (a) Except as provided in subsections...
58-25,112 Conveyance by landlord or termination by manager; notice; no liability for subsequent events. - 58-25,112. Conveyance by landlord or termination by manager; notice; no...
58-25,113 Duties of tenant. - 58-25,113. Duties of tenant. A tenant shall maintain the mobile...
58-25,114 Rules and regulations of landlord, when enforceable; notice; limitations. - 58-25,114. Rules and regulations of landlord, when enforceable; notice; limitations....
58-25,115 Landlord's right to access; limitations. - 58-25,115. Landlord's right to access; limitations. (a) A landlord shall...
58-25,116 Tenant to occupy as a dwelling unit; authority to sublet. - 58-25,116. Tenant to occupy as a dwelling unit; authority to...
58-25,117 Material noncompliance by landlord; notice; termination of rental agreement; limitations; remedies; security deposit. - 58-25,117. Material noncompliance by landlord; notice; termination of rental agreement;...
58-25,118 Failure to deliver possession; remedies. - 58-25,118. Failure to deliver possession; remedies. (a) If the landlord...
58-25,119 Unlawful removal or exclusion of tenant; diminished services; damages; security deposit. - 58-25,119. Unlawful removal or exclusion of tenant; diminished services; damages;...
58-25,120 Material noncompliance by tenant; notice; termination of rental agreement; limitations; nonpayment of rent; remedies. - 58-25,120. Material noncompliance by tenant; notice; termination of rental agreement;...
58-25,121 Abandonment, remedies; required registration. - 58-25,121. Abandonment, remedies; required registration. (a) A tenant is considered...
58-25,122 Acceptance of late rent, effect. - 58-25,122. Acceptance of late rent, effect. Acceptance of late payment...
58-25,123 Termination of tenancy; holdover by tenant; remedies. - 58-25,123. Termination of tenancy; holdover by tenant; remedies. (a) The...
58-25,124 Tenant's refusal to allow lawful access, remedies; landlord's unlawful or unreasonable entry, remedies. - 58-25,124. Tenant's refusal to allow lawful access, remedies; landlord's unlawful...
58-25,125 Certain retaliatory actions by landlord prohibited, remedies; increased rent, when; action for possession, when. - 58-25,125. Certain retaliatory actions by landlord prohibited, remedies; increased rent,...
58-25,126 Act inapplicable to rental agreements valid prior to act; renewals, extensions or modifications. - 58-25,126. Act inapplicable to rental agreements valid prior to act;...
58-25,127 Separate metering for water by landlord; requirements; not public utility. - 58-25,127. Separate metering for water by landlord; requirements; not public...
58-25,137 Housing protections for persons affected by domestic violence, sexual assault, human trafficking or stalking. - 58-25,137. Housing protections for persons affected by domestic violence, sexual...