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48-201 Composition and organization; term "Kansas state guard" defined; tax exemptions to instrumentalities of armed forces. - 48-201. Composition and organization; term "Kansas state guard" defined; tax...
48-202 Staff officers; qualifications; vacancies. - 48-202. Staff officers; qualifications; vacancies. All staff officers of the...
48-203 Commander in chief; chief of staff; rank; qualifications; compensation; aides-de-camp. - 48-203. Commander in chief; chief of staff; rank; qualifications; compensation;...
48-204 Adjutant general; powers and duties; appointment of security and law enforcement officers. - 48-204. Adjutant general; powers and duties; appointment of security and...
48-205 Adjutant general; special assistants; judge advocate general; compensation; finance and disbursing officer; employees. - 48-205. Adjutant general; special assistants; judge advocate general; compensation; finance...
48-206 Duties of finance and disbursing officer; vouchers and warrants. - 48-206. Duties of finance and disbursing officer; vouchers and warrants....
48-208 Appointments and commissions. - 48-208. Appointments and commissions. Officers shall be appointed and commissioned...
48-209 Terms of officers; order to active service by governor, when; rank; compensation. - 48-209. Terms of officers; order to active service by governor,...
48-210 Enlistments; standard physical examinations; medical fee. - 48-210. Enlistments; standard physical examinations; medical fee. All enlistments in...
48-211 Discharge or retirement for disability; retired list; exemption from jury duty, when. - 48-211. Discharge or retirement for disability; retired list; exemption from...
48-212 Oath of officers and enlisted persons. - 48-212. Oath of officers and enlisted persons. Each commissioned officer,...
48-213 Federal requirements applicable to officers; minimum age; vacancies in commissioned grades. - 48-213. Federal requirements applicable to officers; minimum age; vacancies in...
48-214 Military advisory board; duties. - 48-214. Military advisory board; duties. There shall be a Kansas...
48-215 Meetings of the state military board; compensation and allowances. - 48-215. Meetings of the state military board; compensation and allowances....
48-216 Uniforms, arms and equipment. - 48-216. Uniforms, arms and equipment. Every commissioned officer of the...
48-217 Use of ordnance or supplies issued by the United States; ammunition for salutes. - 48-217. Use of ordnance or supplies issued by the United...
48-218 Use and storage of property. - 48-218. Use and storage of property. No officer or member...
48-219 Penalty for unlawful acts affecting property. - 48-219. Penalty for unlawful acts affecting property. Whoever shall secrete,...
48-220 Payment of state allowance to finance and disbursing officer of national guard, state guard or armory board. - 48-220. Payment of state allowance to finance and disbursing officer...
48-221 Unit training assemblies; application of federal rules and regulations; record of attendance; trial of personnel absent without leave. - 48-221. Unit training assemblies; application of federal rules and regulations;...
48-222 Annual muster and camp of instruction; duty to attend; unlawful acts by employer, penalty. - 48-222. Annual muster and camp of instruction; duty to attend;...
48-223 Semiannual inspections of regiments and battalions and annual property inspection; compensation of officers. - 48-223. Semiannual inspections of regiments and battalions and annual property...
48-224 Rations and clothing allowances when in actual service. - 48-224. Rations and clothing allowances when in actual service. Members...
48-225 Pay and allowances; health insurance, reimbursement of costs, when; active state service in nonemergency situation; active duty; details. - 48-225. Pay and allowances; health insurance, reimbursement of costs, when;...
48-227 Resumption of guard service after release from federal service. - 48-227. Resumption of guard service after release from federal service....
48-228 Distribution of laws. - 48-228. Distribution of laws. As soon as practicable after the...
48-237 Dues and fines; collection and disposition. - 48-237. Dues and fines; collection and disposition. Dues levied by...
48-238 Calling out militia. - 48-238. Calling out militia. It shall be the duty of...
48-239 Call and organization of volunteers; discharge. - 48-239. Call and organization of volunteers; discharge. Should the national...
48-240 Duty of commanding officer in case of invasion, insurrection or public disaster. - 48-240. Duty of commanding officer in case of invasion, insurrection...
48-241 Ordering militia into active service. - 48-241. Ordering militia into active service. The commander in chief...
48-241a Payment of expenses for defense of members of national and state guards in certain civil and criminal actions; selection of defense attorney; duties of attorney general. - 48-241a. Payment of expenses for defense of members of national...
48-242 Call by sheriff or mayor for aid. - 48-242. Call by sheriff or mayor for aid. In case...
48-243 Failure to obey orders or to cooperate with civil authorities. - 48-243. Failure to obey orders or to cooperate with civil...
48-244 Report for duty when called into active service. - 48-244. Report for duty when called into active service. Whenever...
48-245 Uniforms, arms and equipment exempt from suit, execution or sale for debt. - 48-245. Uniforms, arms and equipment exempt from suit, execution or...
48-246 Location of new companies; method of organization; muster out and discharge. - 48-246. Location of new companies; method of organization; muster out...
48-247 Same; administration of oath of enlistment. - 48-247. Same; administration of oath of enlistment. Whenever an officer...
48-248 Oath of officers. - 48-248. Oath of officers. All the officers appointed on the...
48-249 Existing organizations. - 48-249. Existing organizations. The organized companies, batteries and bands now...
48-251 Warrants of director of accounts and reports. - 48-251. Warrants of director of accounts and reports. The director...
48-252 Transportation of troops and equipment. - 48-252. Transportation of troops and equipment. All railroad companies operating...
48-252a Movement of state and national military forces; exemption from traffic regulations; priority of right-of-way, exceptions. - 48-252a. Movement of state and national military forces; exemption from...
48-252b Authorizing certain military personnel to direct traffic on public roads and highways. - 48-252b. Authorizing certain military personnel to direct traffic on public...
48-252c Same; application for authority; contents. - 48-252c. Same; application for authority; contents. Application for such authority...
48-252d Same; limitations. - 48-252d. Same; limitations. Such authority shall be limited to traffic...
48-253 Annual civilian rifle-team competition; expense of. - 48-253. Annual civilian rifle-team competition; expense of. The state shall...
48-254 Same; disbursal of allowance by adjutant general. - 48-254. Same; disbursal of allowance by adjutant general. The adjutant...
48-261 Death and disability benefits for members of national and state guards; military disability board; membership, powers and duties; emergency fund allocations. - 48-261. Death and disability benefits for members of national and...
48-262 Same; entitlements. - 48-262. Same; entitlements. Subject to K.S.A. 48-263, 48-264 and 48-268,...
48-263 Same; limitations. - 48-263. Same; limitations. Entitlements shall accrue under this act only...
48-264 Same; effect of federal service. - 48-264. Same; effect of federal service. No entitlement shall accrue...
48-265 Same; reimbursement for certain expenses. - 48-265. Same; reimbursement for certain expenses. Any member entitled to...
48-266 Same; pay and allowance; limitations. - 48-266. Same; pay and allowance; limitations. Any member entitled to...
48-267 Same; compensation; monthly benefit; computation. - 48-267. Same; compensation; monthly benefit; computation. Any member, who is...
48-268 Same; investigation; hearing; presumptions; interpretation of law or evidence. - 48-268. Same; investigation; hearing; presumptions; interpretation of law or evidence....
48-269 Same; death benefits; computation; beneficiaries. - 48-269. Same; death benefits; computation; beneficiaries. Whenever a member is...
48-270 Same; benefits hereunder in lieu of benefits payable under Kansas public employees retirement system; notice. - 48-270. Same; benefits hereunder in lieu of benefits payable under...
48-271 Same; legal nature of benefits. - 48-271. Same; legal nature of benefits. All benefits under this...
48-272 Military fees fund; federal reimbursements; rules and regulations. - 48-272. Military fees fund; federal reimbursements; rules and regulations. There...
48-273 Armories and units general fees fund; revenues; rules and regulations. - 48-273. Armories and units general fees fund; revenues; rules and...
48-274 Orders of adjutant general not subject to Kansas administrative procedure act. - 48-274. Orders of adjutant general not subject to Kansas administrative...
48-280 Exchange of certain property in Saline county. - 48-280. Exchange of certain property in Saline county. (a) The...
48-281 National guard life insurance premium reimbursements; fund; limitation when other death benefits payable. - 48-281. National guard life insurance premium reimbursements; fund; limitation when...
48-282 Death benefit for death of certain national guard members occurring in combat zone; beneficiaries; rules and regulations. - 48-282. Death benefit for death of certain national guard members...
48-283 Death gratuity benefit; military service members; beneficiaries; adjutant general; adjutant general death gratuity payment facilitation fund. - 48-283. Death gratuity benefit; military service members; beneficiaries; adjutant general;...
48-291 Health insurance of insured activated for military service; definitions. - 48-291. Health insurance of insured activated for military service; definitions....
48-292 Same; reinstatement rights; notice by insurance company. - 48-292. Same; reinstatement rights; notice by insurance company. (a) No...
48-293 Same; application; limitations. - 48-293. Same; application; limitations. The provisions of K.S.A. 48-292, and...
48-294 Same; reinstatement, limitation on. - 48-294. Same; reinstatement, limitation on. Nothing herein shall require a...
48-295 Same; effect of reinstatement. - 48-295. Same; effect of reinstatement. All terms, conditions and limitations...
48-296 Same; limitation on cancellation or nonrenewal. - 48-296. Same; limitation on cancellation or nonrenewal. No personal insurance...
48-297 Same; rules and regulations. - 48-297. Same; rules and regulations. The commissioner of insurance is...