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48-1301 Short title. - 48-1301. Short title. This act shall be known as the...
48-1302 Declaration of policy. - 48-1302. Declaration of policy. The legislature declares: (1) That recent...
48-1303 Definitions. - 48-1303. Definitions. As used in this act: (a) "Attack" means...
48-1304 Designation of emergency interim successors to legislators. - 48-1304. Designation of emergency interim successors to legislators. In the...
48-1305 Status, qualifications of emergency interim successors. - 48-1305. Status, qualifications of emergency interim successors. An emergency interim...
48-1306 Oath of emergency interim successors. - 48-1306. Oath of emergency interim successors. Promptly after designation each...
48-1307 Duty of emergency interim successor. - 48-1307. Duty of emergency interim successor. Each emergency interim successor...
48-1308 Place of legislative session. - 48-1308. Place of legislative session. Whenever in the event of...
48-1309 Convening of legislature in event of attack. - 48-1309. Convening of legislature in event of attack. In the...
48-1310 Assumption of powers and duties of legislator by emergency interim successor. - 48-1310. Assumption of powers and duties of legislator by emergency...
48-1311 Privileges, immunities and compensation of emergency interim successors. - 48-1311. Privileges, immunities and compensation of emergency interim successors. When...
48-1312 Quorum and vote requirements. - 48-1312. Quorum and vote requirements. In the event of an...
48-1313 Termination of operation of provisions of this act. - 48-1313. Termination of operation of provisions of this act. The...