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Article 1 - Stock Running At Large
47-104 Freighters and drovers liable for damages. - 47-104. Freighters and drovers liable for damages. All damages done...
47-120 Driving livestock along highway. - 47-120. Driving livestock along highway. (a) Nothing herein contained shall...
47-121 Penalty for unlawful driving of livestock. - 47-121. Penalty for unlawful driving of livestock. That any person...
47-122 Unlawful for livestock to run at large. - 47-122. Unlawful for livestock to run at large. It shall...
47-122a Livestock running at large; taking up such livestock by county sheriff; notice; sale; disposition of proceeds of sale; consolidated law enforcement department. - 47-122a. Livestock running at large; taking up such livestock by...
47-123 Damages to person injured; lien. - 47-123. Damages to person injured; lien. Any owner whose livestock...
47-124 Who may take animals into custody; procedure. - 47-124. Who may take animals into custody; procedure. Any person...
Article 2 - Strays
47-229 Definitions. - 47-229. Definitions. As used in this act: (a) "Domestic animals,"...
47-230 Taking up stray; notice, requirements; record of ownership and animal released, when; costs. - 47-230. Taking up stray; notice, requirements; record of ownership and...
47-232 Certification to court where controversy between adverse claimants; affidavits; testimony; order determining ownership and disposition of sale proceeds. - 47-232. Certification to court where controversy between adverse claimants; affidavits;...
47-236 Care of strays. - 47-236. Care of strays. Any person taking up a stray...
47-237 Penalties for unlawful acts. - 47-237. Penalties for unlawful acts. If any person shall unlawfully...
47-238 Same; advertising stray by sheriff; delivery of stray to market; sale; conditions. - 47-238. Same; advertising stray by sheriff; delivery of stray to...
47-239 Same; publication notice for sale; contents; disposition of proceeds of sale; special stray fund; establishing of ownership within six months of sale. - 47-239. Same; publication notice for sale; contents; disposition of proceeds...
Article 4 - Marks And Brands
47-414 Definitions. - 47-414. Definitions. As used in article 4 of chapter 47...
47-414a "Brand commissioner" and "livestock brand commissioner" mean animal health commissioner. - 47-414a. "Brand commissioner" and "livestock brand commissioner" mean animal health...
47-416 Animal health commissioner, duties; brand recording; inspectors, investigators, examiners and employees; contractual agreements with attorney general. - 47-416. Animal health commissioner, duties; brand recording; inspectors, investigators, examiners...
47-416a Livestock special investigators; law enforcement powers; training requirements. - 47-416a. Livestock special investigators; law enforcement powers; training requirements. Each...
47-417 Adoption of brands; registration of brands; registration and renewal fees; forfeited brands; abandonment; rules and regulations. - 47-417. Adoption of brands; registration of brands; registration and renewal...
47-417a Brand inspection; fees; disposition; livestock brand fee fund; rules and regulations. - 47-417a. Brand inspection; fees; disposition; livestock brand fee fund; rules...
47-418 Branding; rules and regulations; identification brands for disease control purposes. - 47-418. Branding; rules and regulations; identification brands for disease control...
47-419 Certified copies of record; fee. - 47-419. Certified copies of record; fee. When any brand is...
47-420 Unlawful use of brands; additional marking systems; feedlot brands. - 47-420. Unlawful use of brands; additional marking systems; feedlot brands....
47-421 Unlawful branding or defacing of brands; penalty; venue of prosecutions. - 47-421. Unlawful branding or defacing of brands; penalty; venue of...
47-422 Effect of brand registering; recordation, fee; evidence; use by another prohibited. - 47-422. Effect of brand registering; recordation, fee; evidence; use by...
47-423 Livestock from another state. - 47-423. Livestock from another state. Any person who causes to...
47-424 Publication of handbook and supplements; exchanges, sale and distribution. - 47-424. Publication of handbook and supplements; exchanges, sale and distribution....
47-425 Duty of attorney general. - 47-425. Duty of attorney general. It shall be the duty...
47-426 Rules and regulations. - 47-426. Rules and regulations. The commissioner may make all the...
47-427 Invalidity of part. - 47-427. Invalidity of part. The provisions of this act are...
47-428 Entry upon private lands; inspections; proof of ownership of livestock. - 47-428. Entry upon private lands; inspections; proof of ownership of...
47-429 Moneys received from sale of branded stray livestock. - 47-429. Moneys received from sale of branded stray livestock. All...
47-446 Feedlot brands; application; not evidence of ownership. - 47-446. Feedlot brands; application; not evidence of ownership. Feedlot brands...
47-448 Reciprocity agreements with livestock commissioners or brand inspection agencies of other states; brand inspection fees, not limited by other laws. - 47-448. Reciprocity agreements with livestock commissioners or brand inspection agencies...
47-449 Abolishment of livestock brand emergency revolving fund and county option brand fee fund. - 47-449. Abolishment of livestock brand emergency revolving fund and county...
Article 6 - Protection Of Domestic Animals
47-604 Penalty for violating quarantine. - 47-604. Penalty for violating quarantine. Any person who knowingly and...
47-605 Oaths and affirmations. - 47-605. Oaths and affirmations. For the purpose of this act,...
47-607 Unlawful to transport uninspected animals into state; certificates of health required; rules and regulations of animal health commissioner; special quarantine. - 47-607. Unlawful to transport uninspected animals into state; certificates of...
47-607a Transportation of uninspected animals into state; special permit may be required to cross state line. - 47-607a. Transportation of uninspected animals into state; special permit may...
47-607c Same; penalties for violations. - 47-607c. Same; penalties for violations. Any person or persons violating...
47-607d Same; rules and regulations. - 47-607d. Same; rules and regulations. The animal health commissioner may...
47-608 Animal health commissioner to cooperate with federal officers. - 47-608. Animal health commissioner to cooperate with federal officers. The...
47-610 State quarantine, sanitary and other regulations; veterinarian; compensation. - 47-610. State quarantine, sanitary and other regulations; veterinarian; compensation. The...
47-611 Quarantine and other regulations; notice of quarantine; proclamation by governor; enforcement; direction by governor; assistance of any state agency. - 47-611. Quarantine and other regulations; notice of quarantine; proclamation by...
47-612 Delivery of animals into quarantine; payment of fees, costs and expenses; sale. - 47-612. Delivery of animals into quarantine; payment of fees, costs...
47-613 Quarantine duties of sheriff. - 47-613. Quarantine duties of sheriff. The sheriff to whom the...
47-614 Killing unconfined, diseased or exposed animals. - 47-614. Killing unconfined, diseased or exposed animals. When in the...
47-615 Killing of condemned animals; inventory and appraisal; duties of commissioner; payment or indemnity to owner. - 47-615. Killing of condemned animals; inventory and appraisal; duties of...
47-616 Same; right of indemnity. - 47-616. Same; right of indemnity. When any animal or animals...
47-617 Animals killed by order of commissioner; certificate; payment or indemnity to owner; specific disease procedures. - 47-617. Animals killed by order of commissioner; certificate; payment or...
47-618 Execution of orders of commissioner; fees of officers; arrests; prosecutions. - 47-618. Execution of orders of commissioner; fees of officers; arrests;...
47-619 Animal health commissioner; stockyard duties. - 47-619. Animal health commissioner; stockyard duties. It shall be the...
47-620 Prohibiting entrance of stock from other states where disease has become epidemic. - 47-620. Prohibiting entrance of stock from other states where disease...
47-622 Report of diseases to animal health commissioner. - 47-622. Report of diseases to animal health commissioner. It shall...
47-624 Unlawful acts; civil penalties. - 47-624. Unlawful acts; civil penalties. (a) In addition to any...
47-626 Employees and materials for enforcement of act. - 47-626. Employees and materials for enforcement of act. The state...
47-627 Treatment for itch or mange; order of commissioner. - 47-627. Treatment for itch or mange; order of commissioner. If...
47-629 Injection of virulent hog-cholera virus into hogs without permit unlawful; permit issued, when. - 47-629. Injection of virulent hog-cholera virus into hogs without permit...
47-629a Sale of virulent hog-cholera virus by unauthorized vendors unlawful. - 47-629a. Sale of virulent hog-cholera virus by unauthorized vendors unlawful....
47-629b Sale of virulent hog-cholera virus to unauthorized purchasers unlawful. - 47-629b. Sale of virulent hog-cholera virus to unauthorized purchasers unlawful....
47-629c Penalty for violating 47-629 to 47-629b. - 47-629c. Penalty for violating 47-629 to 47-629b. Any person who...
47-631 Rules for tuberculin test. - 47-631. Rules for tuberculin test. (a) The animal health commissioner,...
47-632 Animals affected with tuberculosis; condemning of animal and quarantine of herd; sale of animal; payment to owner. - 47-632. Animals affected with tuberculosis; condemning of animal and quarantine...
47-632a Same; commissioner not required to examine records. - 47-632a. Same; commissioner not required to examine records. The animal...
47-633a Same; condemnation of herd; payment for animals condemned; appraisal animals. - 47-633a. Same; condemnation of herd; payment for animals condemned; appraisal...
47-634 Disinfection of premises; costs. - 47-634. Disinfection of premises; costs. The disinfection of the premises...
47-635 Construction of 47-610 to 47-635. - 47-635. Construction of 47-610 to 47-635. The provisions of this...
47-645 Liability of owner of dog for damages. - 47-645. Liability of owner of dog for damages. If any...
47-646 Killing dog lawful, when. - 47-646. Killing dog lawful, when. It shall be lawful for...
47-646a Same; unconfined dogs in violation of quarantine. - 47-646a. Same; unconfined dogs in violation of quarantine. It shall...
47-653a Sale or use of hog cholera vaccines unlawful, when. - 47-653a. Sale or use of hog cholera vaccines unlawful, when....
47-653b Same; rules and regulations of animal health commissioner. - 47-653b. Same; rules and regulations of animal health commissioner. The...
47-653c Unlawful use of hog cholera vaccines; penalty for violation. - 47-653c. Unlawful use of hog cholera vaccines; penalty for violation....
47-657 Rules for approved tests for brucellosis; quarantine and other regulations. - 47-657. Rules for approved tests for brucellosis; quarantine and other...
47-658a Brucellosis; identification of reactor animals. - 47-658a. Brucellosis; identification of reactor animals. Whenever the state animal...
47-658b Same; sale of reactor animals; shipping permit. - 47-658b. Same; sale of reactor animals; shipping permit. Any animal...
47-660 Right of entry to inspect and examine, when. - 47-660. Right of entry to inspect and examine, when. The...
47-661 Same; duty of persons to assist officials; notice. - 47-661. Same; duty of persons to assist officials; notice. Any...
47-662 Same; penalty for violating act. - 47-662. Same; penalty for violating act. Any person, who owns...
47-663 Sale of cattle as tuberculosis tested unlawful. - 47-663. Sale of cattle as tuberculosis tested unlawful. It shall...
47-664 Same; sale as brucellosis or Bang's tested. - 47-664. Same; sale as brucellosis or Bang's tested. It shall...
47-665 Same; penalty. - 47-665. Same; penalty. Any person who violates or fails to...
47-673 Pseudorabies infected herd of swine; duties of animal health commissioner; indemnity; rules and regulations. - 47-673. Pseudorabies infected herd of swine; duties of animal health...
47-674 Program for registering premises where animals located; voluntary premises registration and animal identification and tracking system; development and implementation by animal health commissioner. - 47-674. Program for registering premises where animals located; voluntary premises...
Article 8 - Registration Of Veterinarians
47-814 Purpose of act. - 47-814. Purpose of act. In order to promote the public...
47-815 Short title. - 47-815. Short title. K.S.A. 47-814 through 47-854 and K.S.A. 47-855...
47-816 Definitions. - 47-816. Definitions. As used in the Kansas veterinary practice act:...
47-817 Practice without license prohibited; exceptions. - 47-817. Practice without license prohibited; exceptions. No person shall practice...
47-818 State board of veterinary examiners; appointment; terms; vacancies; qualifications; removal by governor. - 47-818. State board of veterinary examiners; appointment; terms; vacancies; qualifications;...
47-819 State board of veterinary examiners; meetings; quorum; officers, election and duties; compensation and expenses. - 47-819. State board of veterinary examiners; meetings; quorum; officers, election...
47-820 Disposition of moneys; veterinary examiners fee fund. - 47-820. Disposition of moneys; veterinary examiners fee fund. (a) Except...
47-821 Powers of board. - 47-821. Powers of board. (a) In general, but not by...
47-822 Fees for examinations, registrations, inspections, licenses and renewals. - 47-822. Fees for examinations, registrations, inspections, licenses and renewals. (a)...
47-824 Application for license; issuance of license; qualifications. - 47-824. Application for license; issuance of license; qualifications. (a) Any...
47-825 Examinations; rules and regulations; notice of results; recordation and issuance of license. - 47-825. Examinations; rules and regulations; notice of results; recordation and...
47-829 Licenses; expiration; renewal; continuing education requirements. - 47-829. Licenses; expiration; renewal; continuing education requirements. (a) All licenses,...
47-830 Grounds for refusal to issue or revocation or suspension of license or other restrictions. - 47-830. Grounds for refusal to issue or revocation or suspension...
47-832 Reinstatement of revoked or suspended license. - 47-832. Reinstatement of revoked or suspended license. Any person whose...
47-834 Prohibition against practice without license; unlawful practice of veterinary medicine; unlawful operation or management by a person of veterinary premises; criminal penalties; remedies of board; actions by board against persons other than lic... - 47-834. Prohibition against practice without license; unlawful practice of veterinary...
47-835 Abandonment of animals; notice to owner; relief from liability for disposal; "abandoned" defined. - 47-835. Abandonment of animals; notice to owner; relief from liability...
47-836 Lien for veterinary services; preference. - 47-836. Lien for veterinary services; preference. A veterinarian, a veterinary...
47-837 Savings clause. - 47-837. Savings clause. The amendments in this act to the...
47-838 Severability. - 47-838. Severability. If any clause, sentence, paragraph, section or part...
47-839 Confidentiality; exceptions; waiver. - 47-839. Confidentiality; exceptions; waiver. (a) Except as otherwise provided under...
47-840 Registration of veterinary premises; application; inspections; renewals; fees. - 47-840. Registration of veterinary premises; application; inspections; renewals; fees. (a)...
47-841 Veterinarian not liable for good faith volunteer actions. - 47-841. Veterinarian not liable for good faith volunteer actions. (a)...
47-842 Authority of board to assess fines; grounds; proceedings conducted in accordance with Kansas administrative procedure act. - 47-842. Authority of board to assess fines; grounds; proceedings conducted...
47-843 Violation of act; civil citation; penalties. - 47-843. Violation of act; civil citation; penalties. (a) If, upon...
47-844 Civil citation; notice to contest; procedures; disciplinary actions and civil penalties. - 47-844. Civil citation; notice to contest; procedures; disciplinary actions and...
47-845 Construction of act. - 47-845. Construction of act. Nothing in this act shall be...
47-846 Definitions. - 47-846. Definitions. As used in this act: (a) "Board" means...
47-847 Reports relating to impaired veterinarians; board or committee investigation. - 47-847. Reports relating to impaired veterinarians; board or committee investigation....
47-848 Same; board agreement with committee; responsibilities; evaluations; restricted license; immunity from civil liability for report or investigation; diagnostic examination. - 47-848. Same; board agreement with committee; responsibilities; evaluations; restricted license;...
47-849 Same; contents of; reports, records and proceedings confidential and privileged. - 47-849. Same; contents of; reports, records and proceedings confidential and...
47-850 Immunity from civil liability for report or investigation, limits. - 47-850. Immunity from civil liability for report or investigation, limits....
47-851 Failure to report; immunity from civil liability. - 47-851. Failure to report; immunity from civil liability. (a) No...
47-852 Employer retribution for reporting; prohibition; remedy. - 47-852. Employer retribution for reporting; prohibition; remedy. (a) No employer...
47-853 Purpose of reporting impaired veterinarians; status of entities conducting programs; antitrust immunity. - 47-853. Purpose of reporting impaired veterinarians; status of entities conducting...
47-854 Act supplemental to existing law. - 47-854. Act supplemental to existing law. K.S.A. 47-846 to 47-853,...
47-855 Institutional license; eligibility; scope of practice. - 47-855. Institutional license; eligibility; scope of practice. (a) There is...
47-856 Same; application; qualifications. - 47-856. Same; application; qualifications. (a) Any person desiring to practice...
Article 10 - Public Livestock Markets
47-1001 Definitions. - 47-1001. Definitions. As used in this act, except where the...
47-1001a License required to operate market; application form; fee; bond. - 47-1001a. License required to operate market; application form; fee; bond....
47-1001b Application for market license; notice and hearing; removal of market to another location within county; notice; finding of commissioner or board. - 47-1001b. Application for market license; notice and hearing; removal of...
47-1001c Hearing on application for market license; issuance of license, when; matters considered. - 47-1001c. Hearing on application for market license; issuance of license,...
47-1001d Occasional livestock sales; exemptions; license. - 47-1001d. Occasional livestock sales; exemptions; license. (a) The animal health...
47-1001e Annual renewal fee; license period; electronic auction license; renewal; fees. - 47-1001e. Annual renewal fee; license period; electronic auction license; renewal;...
47-1001f When license transferable; renewable, when. - 47-1001f. When license transferable; renewable, when. Each market license is...
47-1002 Bond, conditions; expiration date of license; damage actions; issuance of license after bond given. - 47-1002. Bond, conditions; expiration date of license; damage actions; issuance...
47-1002a Release of surety on bond; notice to principal. - 47-1002a. Release of surety on bond; notice to principal. Any...
47-1003 Investigations; arrests; access. - 47-1003. Investigations; arrests; access. For the purpose of enforcing the...
47-1004 Investigation, examination, inspection; hearing; suspension or revocation of license. - 47-1004. Investigation, examination, inspection; hearing; suspension or revocation of license....
47-1005 Grounds for refusal, revocation or suspension of license. - 47-1005. Grounds for refusal, revocation or suspension of license. (a)...
47-1005c Per diem for board members; expenses. - 47-1005c. Per diem for board members; expenses. The members of...
47-1007 Report of sales; remittance. - 47-1007. Report of sales; remittance. The dealer shall, promptly following...
47-1008 Prohibition on sale of certain infected or injured livestock; euthanasia or order to remove from market, expenses; inspection by accredited veterinarian; contracts for service and filing certificates of inspection; inspection fees; minimum pe... - 47-1008. Prohibition on sale of certain infected or injured livestock;...
47-1009 Dealer to keep books and records; reports to commissioner. - 47-1009. Dealer to keep books and records; reports to commissioner....
47-1010 Penalties for unlawful acts. - 47-1010. Penalties for unlawful acts. (a) In addition to the...
47-1010a Inapplicability of act to certain businesses. - 47-1010a. Inapplicability of act to certain businesses. Nothing in this...
47-1011 Fees for sale of livestock; disposition of moneys. - 47-1011. Fees for sale of livestock; disposition of moneys. (a)...
47-1011a Brand inspection fees; additional fees collected, when; disposition of fees; livestock market brand inspection fee fund. - 47-1011a. Brand inspection fees; additional fees collected, when; disposition of...
47-1012 Invalidity of part. - 47-1012. Invalidity of part. If any clause, section, paragraph, or...
47-1013 Inspectors, contract with; reports; fees. - 47-1013. Inspectors, contract with; reports; fees. (a) The commissioner shall...
47-1014 Injunction remedy for violations. - 47-1014. Injunction remedy for violations. In addition to the remedies...
Article 11 - Deliveries In Motor Vehicles
47-1101 Record of sale, purchase or receipt of livestock; exemption. - 47-1101. Record of sale, purchase or receipt of livestock; exemption....
47-1102 Penalties for violations. - 47-1102. Penalties for violations. Any person, firm or corporation violating...
Article 12 - Disposal Of Dead Animals
47-1201 Definitions. - 47-1201. Definitions. As used in this act, except where the...
47-1202 Disposal of dead animals, license for; transportation, permit for. - 47-1202. Disposal of dead animals, license for; transportation, permit for....
47-1203 Application for license; fee. - 47-1203. Application for license; fee. (a) Application for such license...
47-1204 Investigation and inspection. - 47-1204. Investigation and inspection. Upon a receipt of such application...
47-1205 Findings by commissioner, notice to applicant; license and permit fees; posting of permits. - 47-1205. Findings by commissioner, notice to applicant; license and permit...
47-1206 Rejection of application; notice; fee not refunded. - 47-1206. Rejection of application; notice; fee not refunded. If the...
47-1207 Vehicle permits; application; fee; posting on vehicles. - 47-1207. Vehicle permits; application; fee; posting on vehicles. (a) Application...
47-1208 Duration and renewal of licenses and permits. - 47-1208. Duration and renewal of licenses and permits. All licenses...
47-1209 Transportation of carcasses of domestic animals and packing house refuse; conditions and limitations. - 47-1209. Transportation of carcasses of domestic animals and packing house...
47-1210 Buildings and disposal plants; specifications. - 47-1210. Buildings and disposal plants; specifications. All disposal plants, substations,...
47-1211 Disposal of carcasses and refuse; requirements; release of portions of carcasses. - 47-1211. Disposal of carcasses and refuse; requirements; release of portions...
47-1212 Animal inspection. - 47-1212. Animal inspection. The commissioner, or his authorized representatives, shall...
47-1213 Suspension and revocation of licenses; notice and hearing. - 47-1213. Suspension and revocation of licenses; notice and hearing. The...
47-1214 Declaration of construction; "refuse" defined. - 47-1214. Declaration of construction; "refuse" defined. The provisions of this...
47-1215 Rules and regulations; filing. - 47-1215. Rules and regulations; filing. The commissioner may adopt and...
47-1216 Judicial review of commissioner's actions. - 47-1216. Judicial review of commissioner's actions. Any action of the...
47-1217 Penalties for violations; actions. - 47-1217. Penalties for violations; actions. The willful violation of any...
47-1218 Disposition of moneys received under article. - 47-1218. Disposition of moneys received under article. (a) All moneys...
47-1219 Unlawful disposal; penalty. - 47-1219. Unlawful disposal; penalty. (a) Any person or persons who...
47-1220 Act inapplicable to movement of certain farm animals; exception. - 47-1220. Act inapplicable to movement of certain farm animals; exception....
Article 13 - Garbage Restrictions
47-1301 Garbage defined. - 47-1301. Garbage defined. As used in article 13 of chapter...
47-1302 Unlawful to feed unprocessed garbage to animals; exceptions. - 47-1302. Unlawful to feed unprocessed garbage to animals; exceptions. (a)...
47-1303 Unlawful acts. - 47-1303. Unlawful acts. (a) It shall be unlawful for the...
47-1304 Rules and regulations by animal health commissioner. - 47-1304. Rules and regulations by animal health commissioner. The state...
47-1305 Penalty for violation of act. - 47-1305. Penalty for violation of act. Any person, firm, partnership,...
47-1306 Moving garbage or refuse on public street; restrictions. - 47-1306. Moving garbage or refuse on public street; restrictions. It...
Article 14 - Humane Slaughter
47-1401 Humane methods; state policy. - 47-1401. Humane methods; state policy. It is declared to be...
47-1402 Same; definitions. - 47-1402. Same; definitions. As used in this act: (a) "Person"...
47-1403 Same; unlawful acts. - 47-1403. Same; unlawful acts. No slaughterer, packer, or stockyard operator...
47-1404 Same; certain method of slaughter declared inhumane. - 47-1404. Same; certain method of slaughter declared inhumane. The use...
47-1405 Same; penalties for violations of act. - 47-1405. Same; penalties for violations of act. Any person who...
Article 15 - Feedlots
47-1501 Definitions. - 47-1501. Definitions. As used in this act: (a) "Feedlot" means:...
47-1502 Feeding livestock as agricultural pursuit; zoning. - 47-1502. Feeding livestock as agricultural pursuit; zoning. Feeding of livestock,...
47-1503 Feedlot operator's license; fees; disposition of moneys. - 47-1503. Feedlot operator's license; fees; disposition of moneys. (a) It...
47-1504 Meetings of commission; calling, notice, minutes. - 47-1504. Meetings of commission; calling, notice, minutes. The board is...
47-1505 Standards of operations for feedlots. - 47-1505. Standards of operations for feedlots. Owners and operators who...
47-1506 Powers and duties of the animal health commissioner. - 47-1506. Powers and duties of the animal health commissioner. (a)...
47-1507 Review of actions of commissioner and board. - 47-1507. Review of actions of commissioner and board. (a) If...
47-1508 Compensation of board members. - 47-1508. Compensation of board members. The members of the board...
47-1509 Unlawful acts; penalty. - 47-1509. Unlawful acts; penalty. Any person violating any of the...
47-1510 Invalidity of part. - 47-1510. Invalidity of part. If any part of this act...
47-1511 Planning assistance for feedlots. - 47-1511. Planning assistance for feedlots. Upon request of the animal...
Article 17 - Pet Animal Act
47-1701 Definitions. - 47-1701. Definitions. As used in the Kansas pet animal act,...
47-1702 Animal distributor license. - 47-1702. Animal distributor license. It shall be unlawful for any...
47-1703 Pet shop operator license. - 47-1703. Pet shop operator license. It shall be unlawful for...
47-1704 Pound or animal shelter license; temporary care exception. - 47-1704. Pound or animal shelter license; temporary care exception. (a)...
47-1706 Refusal to issue or renew or suspension or revocation of license or permit; grounds; judicial review; seizure and disposition of animals, when. - 47-1706. Refusal to issue or renew or suspension or revocation...
47-1706a Bond to prevent disposition of animals seized or impounded; approval; additional bond; notice. - 47-1706a. Bond to prevent disposition of animals seized or impounded;...
47-1707 Penalties for violations of act; judicial review; seizure and disposition of animals, when. - 47-1707. Penalties for violations of act; judicial review; seizure and...
47-1708 Judicial review of commissioner's actions. - 47-1708. Judicial review of commissioner's actions. Any action of the...
47-1709 Inspections and investigations; confidentiality of complaints; records of inspections; training of inspectors and owners of pet animal facilities; search warrant if access denied. - 47-1709. Inspections and investigations; confidentiality of complaints; records of inspections;...
47-1710 Release or disposition of animals from pound or animal shelter; use of proceeds from sale of animals. - 47-1710. Release or disposition of animals from pound or animal...
47-1711 Animal control officer; license as or employment by animal dealer or pet shop operator prohibited; record of taking custody and disposition. - 47-1711. Animal control officer; license as or employment by animal...
47-1712 Rules and regulations. - 47-1712. Rules and regulations. (a) The commissioner is hereby authorized...
47-1713 Prohibiting sale or gift of certain animals. - 47-1713. Prohibiting sale or gift of certain animals. The commissioner...
47-1715 Violation of act or rules and regulations; penalty; seizure and disposition of animals, when. - 47-1715. Violation of act or rules and regulations; penalty; seizure...
47-1717 Invalidity of part. - 47-1717. Invalidity of part. If any provision of this act,...
47-1718 Euthanasia, approved methods. - 47-1718. Euthanasia, approved methods. (a) No animal shall be euthanized...
47-1719 Hobby breeder license. - 47-1719. Hobby breeder license. (a) It shall be unlawful for...
47-1720 Research facility license. - 47-1720. Research facility license. (a) It shall be unlawful for...
47-1721 License and permit fees; costs of inspection; re-inspection fee; disposition of moneys. - 47-1721. License and permit fees; costs of inspection; re-inspection fee;...
47-1723 Boarding or training kennel operator license. - 47-1723. Boarding or training kennel operator license. (a) It shall...
47-1724 Unlawful to purchase from person not licensed or permitted. - 47-1724. Unlawful to purchase from person not licensed or permitted....
47-1725 Kansas pet animal advisory board; duties and powers. - 47-1725. Kansas pet animal advisory board; duties and powers. (a)...
47-1726 Citation and purpose of act. - 47-1726. Citation and purpose of act. K.S.A. 47-1701 through 47-1721,...
47-1727 Injunctive relief to commissioner. - 47-1727. Injunctive relief to commissioner. Notwithstanding the existence or pursuit...
47-1731 Dogs and cats; spaying or neutering required, when. - 47-1731. Dogs and cats; spaying or neutering required, when. (a)...
47-1732 Temporary closing permit; application; effective date; renewal. - 47-1732. Temporary closing permit; application; effective date; renewal. (a) Any...
47-1733 Animal breeder license. - 47-1733. Animal breeder license. (a) It shall be unlawful for...
47-1734 Out-of-state distributor permit. - 47-1734. Out-of-state distributor permit. (a) It shall be unlawful for...
47-1735 Unlawful to interfere with a representative of the animal health department. - 47-1735. Unlawful to interfere with a representative of the animal...
47-1736 Retail breeder license. - 47-1736. Retail breeder license. (a) It shall be unlawful for...
47-1737 Severability clause. - 47-1737. Severability clause. If any provision of this act or...
Article 18 - Miscellaneous
47-1801 Payment for livestock purchased for slaughter; definitions. - 47-1801. Payment for livestock purchased for slaughter; definitions. As used...
47-1802 Same; unlawful acts; payment by check, requirements; penalty. - 47-1802. Same; unlawful acts; payment by check, requirements; penalty. (a)...
47-1803 Disposition of injured or diseased animals. - 47-1803. Disposition of injured or diseased animals. (a) Any public...
47-1804 Registration of livestock dealers; definitions. - 47-1804. Registration of livestock dealers; definitions. As used in K.S.A....
47-1805 Livestock dealer; registration; fees; disposition of moneys. - 47-1805. Livestock dealer; registration; fees; disposition of moneys. (a) Any...
47-1806 Livestock dealer; records and accounts; denial of application or suspension or revocation of registration, hearings. - 47-1806. Livestock dealer; records and accounts; denial of application or...
47-1807 Penalties. - 47-1807. Penalties. (a) Any person violating or failing to comply...
47-1808 Bonding of livestock dealers; exceptions; amount of bond; who bond benefits; additional bond may be required; attorney fees assessed as costs in certain actions; penalties. - 47-1808. Bonding of livestock dealers; exceptions; amount of bond; who...
47-1809 Feral swine; prohibited acts related to such swine; penalties; appeals; destruction of such swine; duties of animal health commissioner. - 47-1809. Feral swine; prohibited acts related to such swine; penalties;...
47-1825 Short title. - 47-1825. Short title. The provisions of K.S.A. 47-1825 through 47-1828,...
47-1826 Definitions. - 47-1826. Definitions. As used in the farm animal and field...
47-1827 Prohibited acts; criminal penalties. - 47-1827. Prohibited acts; criminal penalties. (a) No person shall, without...
47-1828 Recovery of damages. - 47-1828. Recovery of damages. (a) Any person who has been...
47-1831 Animal health commissioner authorized to register original veterinary certificates and provide official calfhood vaccination tags. - 47-1831. Animal health commissioner authorized to register original veterinary certificates...
47-1832 Animal health commissioner to establish rules and regulations on farm and exotic animals. - 47-1832. Animal health commissioner to establish rules and regulations on...
47-1833 Chronic wasting disease tests; results reported to animal health commissioner. - 47-1833. Chronic wasting disease tests; results reported to animal health...
Article 19 - Aquaculture
47-1901 Definition. - 47-1901. Definition. As used in this act, "aquaculture" means the...
47-1902 State aquaculture plan. - 47-1902. State aquaculture plan. (a) The Kansas department of agriculture...
47-1905 Aquaculture fund. - 47-1905. Aquaculture fund. (a) There is hereby created in the...
Article 20 - Kansas Sheep Council
47-2001 Definitions. - 47-2001. Definitions. As used in this act: (a) "Council" means...
47-2002 Kansas sheep council; members, officers, compensation. - 47-2002. Kansas sheep council; members, officers, compensation. (a) There is...
47-2003 Same; powers and duties. - 47-2003. Same; powers and duties. In the administration of this...
47-2004 Assessment; receipts, refunds. - 47-2004. Assessment; receipts, refunds. (a) An assessment to be set...
47-2005 Collection and disbursement of assessment. - 47-2005. Collection and disbursement of assessment. (a) The council shall...
47-2006 Lien; foreclosure. - 47-2006. Lien; foreclosure. If the assessment is not deducted and...
47-2007 Penalties. - 47-2007. Penalties. Any person who shall violate any of the...
Article 21 - Domesticated Deer
47-2101 Raising domesticated deer; unlawful acts; permit; identification of deer; inspection of premises; communications with and assistance from the department of wildlife, parks and tourism; definitions. - 47-2101. Raising domesticated deer; unlawful acts; permit; identification of deer;...
47-2102 Intentionally releasing domesticated deer; penalty. - 47-2102. Intentionally releasing domesticated deer; penalty. (a) It shall be...
47-2103 Raising domesticated deer; civil penalty. - 47-2103. Raising domesticated deer; civil penalty. In addition to or...
Article 22 - Ostriches
47-2201 Classifying ostriches, emus and rheas as livestock. - 47-2201. Classifying ostriches, emus and rheas as livestock. All creatures...
Article 23 - Kansas Dairy Commission
47-2301 Definitions. - 47-2301. Definitions. As used in this act: (a) "Commission" means...
47-2302 Kansas dairy commission; members, officers, compensation. - 47-2302. Kansas dairy commission; members, officers, compensation. (a) There is...
47-2303 Same; powers and duties. - 47-2303. Same; powers and duties. In the administration of this...
47-2304 Assessments; receipts; refunds. - 47-2304. Assessments; receipts; refunds. (a) An assessment to be set...
47-2305 Collection and disbursement of assessment. - 47-2305. Collection and disbursement of assessment. (a) The commission shall...
47-2306 Penalties. - 47-2306. Penalties. Any person who shall violate any of the...