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41-201 Law enforcement powers of director, agents and employees; attorney, appointment and compensation. - 41-201. Law enforcement powers of director, agents and employees; attorney,...
41-202 Office of director; branch offices. - 41-202. Office of director; branch offices. The office of the...
41-203 Alcoholic beverage control board of review; abolished; transfer of authority, property, proceedings. - 41-203. Alcoholic beverage control board of review; abolished; transfer of...
41-204 Director and employees; qualifications. - 41-204. Director and employees; qualifications. (a) Any person appointed as...
41-205 Same; oath of office. - 41-205. Same; oath of office. The director, deputy director and...
41-206 Same; conflict of interest. - 41-206. Same; conflict of interest. (a) Except as permitted pursuant...
41-207 Director; seal; records, certification and admission in evidence. - 41-207. Director; seal; records, certification and admission in evidence. The...
41-208 Power to regulate alcoholic liquor. - 41-208. Power to regulate alcoholic liquor. (a) Except as specifically...
41-209 Director; powers and duties. - 41-209. Director; powers and duties. The director shall have the...
41-210 Rules and regulations; procedure for adoption; powers of director. - 41-210. Rules and regulations; procedure for adoption; powers of director....
41-211 Same; scope. - 41-211. Same; scope. (a) The rules and regulations adopted by...
41-212 Director; beer sales by cereal malt beverage licensee study; oversight of sales; rules and regulations. - 41-212. Director; beer sales by cereal malt beverage licensee study;...
41-213 Alcoholic beverage control modernization fee; assessment and disposition; alcoholic beverage control modernization fund created. - 41-213. Alcoholic beverage control modernization fee; assessment and disposition; alcoholic...