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40-4101 Definitions. - 40-4101. Definitions. As used in this act: (a) "Commissioner" means...
40-4102 Kansas charter; must be licensed insurance company; submission of plan of operation or feasibility study; information required to be provided to national association of insurance commissioners. - 40-4102. Kansas charter; must be licensed insurance company; submission of...
40-4103 Requirements of risk retention groups chartered in foreign states; examination by commissioner, when; compliance with order in voluntary dissolution or delinquency proceeding; domestic or foreign chartered groups; taxation; other insurance la... - 40-4103. Requirements of risk retention groups chartered in foreign states;...
40-4108 Risk retention group prohibited from joining insolvency guaranty fund. - 40-4108. Risk retention group prohibited from joining insolvency guaranty fund....
40-4109 Policy issued to risk retention group not required to be countersigned. - 40-4109. Policy issued to risk retention group not required to...
40-4114 Rules and regulations. - 40-4114. Rules and regulations. The commissioner is hereby authorized to...
40-4115 Purchasing groups satisfying criteria of federal law exempt from certain state laws; insurers doing business with purchasing groups exempt from certain state laws. - 40-4115. Purchasing groups satisfying criteria of federal law exempt from...
40-4116 Requirements of purchasing group doing business in state; consent to service of process on commissioner of insurance; provisions not applicable to certain purchasing groups. - 40-4116. Requirements of purchasing group doing business in state; consent...
40-4117 Purchase of insurance through surplus lines agent or broker required, when. - 40-4117. Purchase of insurance through surplus lines agent or broker...
40-4118 Federal preemption of commissioner's powers; injunctive authority restricted. - 40-4118. Federal preemption of commissioner's powers; injunctive authority restricted. The...
40-4119 Agents and brokers for risk retention groups; licensure. - 40-4119. Agents and brokers for risk retention groups; licensure. Any...
40-4120 Order of United States district court enjoining risk retention group from doing business enforceable in state courts. - 40-4120. Order of United States district court enjoining risk retention...