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40-2801 Taxation of insurance companies; rate. - 40-2801. Taxation of insurance companies; rate. Every life, fire and...
40-2802 Same; tax in lieu of ad valorem levies. - 40-2802. Same; tax in lieu of ad valorem levies. The...
40-2803 Same; net income defined for computing tax on life insurance companies. - 40-2803. Same; net income defined for computing tax on life...
40-2804 Same; net income for purpose of computing tax on other companies. - 40-2804. Same; net income for purpose of computing tax on...
40-2805 Same; returns and payment of tax; interest for late return. - 40-2805. Same; returns and payment of tax; interest for late...
40-2806 Same; failure to file return or pay tax; interest and penalties; waiver or reduction. - 40-2806. Same; failure to file return or pay tax; interest...
40-2807 Same; preservation of reports and returns; disclosure of contents unlawful, when; acceptance of employment by commissioner or employees; publication of statistics; inspection of returns by state officials; inspection of returns by federal or... - 40-2807. Same; preservation of reports and returns; disclosure of contents...
40-2808 Same; rules and regulations. - 40-2808. Same; rules and regulations. The commissioner of insurance is...
40-2809 Same; disposition of revenue. - 40-2809. Same; disposition of revenue. The commissioner of insurance shall...
40-2810 Same; political subdivisions prohibited from imposing tax. - 40-2810. Same; political subdivisions prohibited from imposing tax. No political...
40-2811 Same; exemption of certain companies, lodges, societies and associations. - 40-2811. Same; exemption of certain companies, lodges, societies and associations....
40-2812 Application of 40-2803 and 40-2804. - 40-2812. Application of 40-2803 and 40-2804. The provisions of this...
40-2813 Credit against tax for making certain property accessible to persons with a disability; amount; carryover. - 40-2813. Credit against tax for making certain property accessible to...