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39-1801 Citation of act. - 39-1801. Citation of act. The provisions of K.S.A. 39-1801 through...
39-1802 Policy of state. - 39-1802. Policy of state. It is the policy of this...
39-1803 Definitions. - 39-1803. Definitions. As used in the developmental disabilities reform act:...
39-1804 Implementation of act; powers and duties of secretary for aging and disability services; reports. - 39-1804. Implementation of act; powers and duties of secretary for...
39-1805 Powers and duties of community developmental disability organization. - 39-1805. Powers and duties of community developmental disability organization. In...
39-1806 Establishment of system of funding, quality assurance and contracting. - 39-1806. Establishment of system of funding, quality assurance and contracting....
39-1808 Act does not require community service provider to make certain expenditures. - 39-1808. Act does not require community service provider to make...
39-1809 Act does not create any entitlement to services. - 39-1809. Act does not create any entitlement to services. Nothing...
39-1810 Rules and regulations. - 39-1810. Rules and regulations. The secretary may adopt rules and...
39-1811 Community developmental disability services; maximization of federal financial participation; use of revenue derived therefrom; report to legislature. - 39-1811. Community developmental disability services; maximization of federal financial participation;...