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39-1601 Citation of act. - 39-1601. Citation of act. K.S.A. 39-1601 through 39-1612 and amendments...
39-1602 Definitions. - 39-1602. Definitions. As used in K.S.A. 39-1601 through 39-1612, and...
39-1603 Powers and duties of secretary for aging and disability services. - 39-1603. Powers and duties of secretary for aging and disability...
39-1604 Secretary for aging and disability services to adopt state assessment of needs; plan to develop and operate a state system; development by mental health centers of community assessment of needs and plan for community based services; annual re... - 39-1604. Secretary for aging and disability services to adopt state...
39-1605 Governor's behavioral health services planning council; composition of council; chairperson; terms of members; vacancies; vice-chairperson; compensation. - 39-1605. Governor's behavioral health services planning council; composition of council;...
39-1606 Meetings of governor's behavioral health services planning council; duties of council; visits to state psychiatric hospitals and other providers; annual reports. - 39-1606. Meetings of governor's behavioral health services planning council; duties...
39-1607 Mental health and developmental disabilities; certain powers, duties and functions. - 39-1607. Mental health and developmental disabilities; certain powers, duties and...
39-1608 Mental health centers to develop community assessment of needs and plan to provide community based mental health services; approval by secretary; annual reviews and reports; amendments to plan; rules and regulations; guidelines for conduct of... - 39-1608. Mental health centers to develop community assessment of needs...
39-1609 Provision of community based mental health services; technical and financial assistance. - 39-1609. Provision of community based mental health services; technical and...
39-1610 Participating mental health centers; services provided; disbursement of funds for services; mental health reform phased program; admission and discharge criteria for patients; contracts for nonclinical services. - 39-1610. Participating mental health centers; services provided; disbursement of funds...
39-1611 Pilot project to provide psychiatric and substance abuse services for medicaid eligible residents less than 21 years of age; contract for such services; reports and information. - 39-1611. Pilot project to provide psychiatric and substance abuse services...
39-1612 Act does not require mental health centers to make expenditures not approved by governing board of center. - 39-1612. Act does not require mental health centers to make...
39-1613 Catchment areas for state psychiatric hospitals; rules and regulations, guidelines. - 39-1613. Catchment areas for state psychiatric hospitals; rules and regulations,...