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38-101 Period of minority. - 38-101. Period of minority. The period of minority extends in...
38-102 Minor bound by contracts, when. - 38-102. Minor bound by contracts, when. Except as otherwise provided...
38-103 Contracts that may not be disaffirmed. - 38-103. Contracts that may not be disaffirmed. No contract can...
38-104 Payment for personal services. - 38-104. Payment for personal services. When a contract for the...
38-108 District court may confer rights of majority. - 38-108. District court may confer rights of majority. That the...
38-109 Petition for rights of majority; notice; hearing; decree. - 38-109. Petition for rights of majority; notice; hearing; decree. Any...
38-110 Costs of proceedings under 38-108 to 38-110. - 38-110. Costs of proceedings under 38-108 to 38-110. The costs...
38-111 When minors may be excluded from courtroom during trials or hearings. - 38-111. When minors may be excluded from courtroom during trials...
38-112 Children's homes; powers of corporations. - 38-112. Children's homes; powers of corporations. Any corporation heretofore or...
38-115 Same; donations and bequests; appropriations by cities or counties over 30,000. - 38-115. Same; donations and bequests; appropriations by cities or counties...
38-116 Same; purchase and sale of property. - 38-116. Same; purchase and sale of property. Said corporation shall...
38-120 Recovery from parents for malicious or willful acts by certain children; limitations. - 38-120. Recovery from parents for malicious or willful acts by...
38-122 Consent by parent for surgery and other procedures on child. - 38-122. Consent by parent for surgery and other procedures on...
38-123 Consent for medical care of unmarried pregnant minor. - 38-123. Consent for medical care of unmarried pregnant minor. Notwithstanding...
38-123a Donation of blood by persons over 16; compensation. - 38-123a. Donation of blood by persons over 16; compensation. Any...
38-123b Consent by minor 16 or over to hospital, medical or surgical treatment or procedures. - 38-123b. Consent by minor 16 or over to hospital, medical...
38-134 Information concerning child provided to foster parent by secretary for children and families. - 38-134. Information concerning child provided to foster parent by secretary...
38-135 Definitions; immunization of minor children. - 38-135. Definitions; immunization of minor children. As used in this...
38-136 Immunization of minor children; written delegation of consent by parent. - 38-136. Immunization of minor children; written delegation of consent by...
38-137 Same; consent for immunization by person other than parent, when. - 38-137. Same; consent for immunization by person other than parent,...
38-138 Health care provider to provide information to person consenting to immunization. - 38-138. Health care provider to provide information to person consenting...
38-139 Health care provider has immunity if relying on consent. - 38-139. Health care provider has immunity if relying on consent....
38-140 Consent to immunize under 38-2217 or 38-2316 not affected. - 38-140. Consent to immunize under 38-2217 or 38-2316 not affected....
38-141 Parents' rights to exercise primary control over the upbringing of their children; cause of action. - 38-141. Parents' rights to exercise primary control over the upbringing...
38-142 Grandparents as caregivers act; citation. - 38-142. Grandparents as caregivers act; citation. The provisions of K.S.A....
38-143 Same; definitions. - 38-143. Same; definitions. As used in the grandparents as caregivers...
38-144 Grandparents as caregivers program; administration. - 38-144. Grandparents as caregivers program; administration. (a) In accordance with...
38-145 Same; eligibility requirements. - 38-145. Same; eligibility requirements. (a) If a person meets the...
38-146 Same; eligibility of persons other than grandparent. - 38-146. Same; eligibility of persons other than grandparent. If there...
38-147 Same; duties of secretary of SRS; reimbursement of costs; counseling and ancillary or support services; medical assistance. - 38-147. Same; duties of secretary of SRS; reimbursement of costs;...
38-148 Same; annual report to the legislature; rules and regulations. - 38-148. Same; annual report to the legislature; rules and regulations....
38-149 Same; entitlement not created. - 38-149. Same; entitlement not created. The provisions of the grandparents...
38-150 Physician care of a minor; disclosure of do-not-resuscitate order; refusal of consent; dispute resolution. - 38-150. Physician care of a minor; disclosure of do-not-resuscitate order;...
38-151 Child welfare system task force; memberships; meetings; topics of study; report to legislature; compensation and allowances; sunset. - 38-151. Child welfare system task force; memberships; meetings; topics of...