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25-4501a Selection of presidential nominees, duty of recognized political parties. - 25-4501a. Selection of presidential nominees, duty of recognized political parties....
25-4502 Eligibility to vote; voting procedure; candidates' filing deadline; declaration and fee; petition. - 25-4502. Eligibility to vote; voting procedure; candidates' filing deadline; declaration...
25-4503 Ballots; names of candidates; form, marking, return and canvass of ballots; notice; order of names on ballot. - 25-4503. Ballots; names of candidates; form, marking, return and canvass...
25-4505 Canvass by county board of canvassers; transmittal of abstract to secretary of state. - 25-4505. Canvass by county board of canvassers; transmittal of abstract...
25-4506 Final canvass by state board of canvassers; publication of number of votes for each candidate. - 25-4506. Final canvass by state board of canvassers; publication of...
25-4507 Certification of election results to political party; selection of delegates and alternates to national party, convention; binding of delegates and alternates; adoption and filing of party rules. - 25-4507. Certification of election results to political party; selection of...
25-4508 Payment of election expenses; reimbursement and payment for certain expenses; audit of amounts. - 25-4508. Payment of election expenses; reimbursement and payment for certain...