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2-1313a Definitions. - 2-1313a. Definitions. (a) The provisions of article 13 of chapter...
2-1314 Declaring plants as noxious weeds; control and eradication. - 2-1314. Declaring plants as noxious weeds; control and eradication. (a)...
2-1314b Noxious weeds; declaration of multiflora rose, bull thistle as noxious authorized. - 2-1314b. Noxious weeds; declaration of multiflora rose, bull thistle as...
2-1314c Emergency declarations of noxious weeds. - 2-1314c. Emergency declarations of noxious weeds. (a) The secretary may,...
2-1314d State noxious weed advisory committee; organization; duties. - 2-1314d. State noxious weed advisory committee; organization; duties. (a) There...
2-1315 Adoption of official methods for the control of noxious weeds; control districts; duties of secretary; cooperation of secretary, county agents and weed supervisors; rules and regulations. - 2-1315. Adoption of official methods for the control of noxious...
2-1316 Responsibility for enforcement; weed supervisors; duties; salary; annual surveys, progress report and submission of a prospective management plan. - 2-1316. Responsibility for enforcement; weed supervisors; duties; salary; annual surveys,...
2-1317 Weed supervisors, cooperation with certain entities. - 2-1317. Weed supervisors, cooperation with certain entities. The secretary and...
2-1318 Tax levies by counties, townships and cities; budgeting through township or city general operating fund; use of proceeds; retention of records. - 2-1318. Tax levies by counties, townships and cities; budgeting through...
2-1319 State political subdivision land; control and eradication of noxious weeds; failure by political subdivision to control; payment of costs. - 2-1319. State political subdivision land; control and eradication of noxious...
2-1319a Certification of forage, straw or mulch carried onto state land as weed free. - 2-1319a. Certification of forage, straw or mulch carried onto state...
2-1320 Unpaid costs of labor or material; itemized statement and notice to owner; penalties and interest; liens; copy of notice to register of deeds and county or city clerk; lien payable upon sale or transfer of ownership. - 2-1320. Unpaid costs of labor or material; itemized statement and...
2-1321 Filing of protests; hearings; appeals. - 2-1321. Filing of protests; hearings; appeals. If any person shall...
2-1322 Purchase and use of equipment and chemicals; sale of chemicals, price; charges for use of machinery and equipment; record of purchases, sales and charges. - 2-1322. Purchase and use of equipment and chemicals; sale of...
2-1323 Penalty for violations. - 2-1323. Penalty for violations. Any person, association of persons, corporation,...
2-1324 Invalidity of part. - 2-1324. Invalidity of part. Should it be decided upon final...
2-1325 Unlawful acts; disposal of screenings and materials. - 2-1325. Unlawful acts; disposal of screenings and materials. It shall...
2-1326 Same; disposal of infested plants, materials or fertilizers. - 2-1326. Same; disposal of infested plants, materials or fertilizers. It...
2-1327 Same; harvesting and other machines; labeling. - 2-1327. Same; harvesting and other machines; labeling. It shall be...
2-1328 Same; infested livestock feed material. - 2-1328. Same; infested livestock feed material. It shall be unlawful...
2-1329 Same; unprocessed livestock feed. - 2-1329. Same; unprocessed livestock feed. It shall be unlawful for...
2-1330 Entry upon and inspection of property. - 2-1330. Entry upon and inspection of property. (a) Subject to...
2-1331 Notification of owner of lands infested with noxious weeds; inspection; initial general or official notice; subsequent legal notice. - 2-1331. Notification of owner of lands infested with noxious weeds;...
2-1332 Notice of the costs of treatment; itemized statement, contents; filing with register of deeds and county clerk; payment plans; liens, payable on sale or transfer of ownership. - 2-1332. Notice of the costs of treatment; itemized statement, contents;...
2-1333 County option for discount program to control noxious weeds; petition to establish program, election and procedures. - 2-1333. County option for discount program to control noxious weeds;...