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16-706 Definitions. - 16-706. Definitions. As used in this act: (a) (1) "Pawnbroker"...
16-707 Licensure; application; fee. - 16-707. Licensure; application; fee. (a) No person shall engage or...
16-708 Same; qualifications. - 16-708. Same; qualifications. No license or any renewal thereof shall...
16-709 Transfer of stock by stockholder of corporate licensee; effect. - 16-709. Transfer of stock by stockholder of corporate licensee; effect....
16-710 License; contents; display; license for each place of business. - 16-710. License; contents; display; license for each place of business....
16-711 Change in location of place of business; notice; duplicate license; restrictions. - 16-711. Change in location of place of business; notice; duplicate...
16-712 Examination of books, accounts, records. - 16-712. Examination of books, accounts, records. Each licensee shall keep...
16-713 Suspension or revocation of license; notice and hearing. - 16-713. Suspension or revocation of license; notice and hearing. Any...
16-714 Loans secured by pledged goods; written contract required, contents; retention, disposition and redemption of pledged articles. - 16-714. Loans secured by pledged goods; written contract required, contents;...
16-715 Report of property pledged or purchased; required holding period for precious metal purchased; report not open to public inspection. - 16-715. Report of property pledged or purchased; required holding period...
16-716 Record of transactions. - 16-716. Record of transactions. (a) At the time of making...
16-717 Minors; prohibited transactions. - 16-717. Minors; prohibited transactions. (a) No pawnbroker shall receive in...
16-718 Periodic inspections to determine compliance with act. - 16-718. Periodic inspections to determine compliance with act. Law enforcement...
16-719 Loans; interest and charges; amount; term. - 16-719. Loans; interest and charges; amount; term. (a) No pawnbroker...
16-720 Transactions in precious metals, requirements; refusal to redeliver stolen property to owner, effect. - 16-720. Transactions in precious metals, requirements; refusal to redeliver stolen...
16-721 Penalty. - 16-721. Penalty. The violation of any provision of this act...
16-722 Prosecution of violations. - 16-722. Prosecution of violations. Whenever he has reason to believe...