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12-5001 Actuarial funding standards for local police or fire pension plans; definitions. - 12-5001. Actuarial funding standards for local police or fire pension...
12-5002 Actuarial standards imposed; minimum annual contribution rate; optional schedule of phased-in contributions; actuarial services by KPERS or private firm; rules and regulations; actuarial evaluation of proposed pension plan changes. - 12-5002. Actuarial standards imposed; minimum annual contribution rate; optional schedule...
12-5003 KP&F system membership election for certain active members of local police or fire pension plans; final average salary. - 12-5003. KP&F system membership election for certain active members of...
12-5004 Abolition of local plans upon affiliation with KP&F system; transfer of assets to Kansas public employees retirement fund; credit of contributions; authorizing transfer endorsements, transfer of powers and duties to KPERS board of trustees. - 12-5004. Abolition of local plans upon affiliation with KP&F system;...
12-5005 Retired members and certain active members of local plans made special members of KP&F system; employee contributions; preservation of local plan entitlements for special members, exceptions; exemption from taxes and legal claims and process... - 12-5005. Retired members and certain active members of local plans...
12-5006 Rate of employer contributions for members and special members of KP&F system under 12-5003, 12-5005 or 74-4955. - 12-5006. Rate of employer contributions for members and special members...
12-5007 Administration of local police and firemen's retirement system by KPERS board. - 12-5007. Administration of local police and firemen's retirement system by...
12-5008 Option of certain members of local police or fire pension plans for KP&F system membership. - 12-5008. Option of certain members of local police or fire...
12-5040 Group health care benefits plan; availability for retirants; coverage, end; eligibility; cost of coverage; definitions. - 12-5040. Group health care benefits plan; availability for retirants; coverage,...