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12-4001 Kansas advisory council on intergovernmental relations; membership; terms; officers. - 12-4001. Kansas advisory council on intergovernmental relations; membership; terms; officers....
12-4002 Same; duties; annual report. - 12-4002. Same; duties; annual report. (a) It shall be the...
12-4003 Same; duties of state and local officers. - 12-4003. Same; duties of state and local officers. Each officer,...
12-4004 Same; meetings. - 12-4004. Same; meetings. The council shall meet as often as...
12-4005 Same; acceptance of gifts and other donations. - 12-4005. Same; acceptance of gifts and other donations. The council...
12-4006 Same; legal counsel; expert advisors. - 12-4006. Same; legal counsel; expert advisors. The council is hereby...
12-4007 Same; state and local officers attendance of meetings. - 12-4007. Same; state and local officers attendance of meetings. Any...
12-4008 Same; rules of procedure. - 12-4008. Same; rules of procedure. The council may adopt such...