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12-3710 Sewage disposal facilities; secretary of health and environment authorized to issue revenue bonds; use of proceeds; payment, conditions, interest rate, maturity and regulation of issuance of bonds; interim receipts or temporary bonds. - 12-3710. Sewage disposal facilities; secretary of health and environment authorized...
12-3711 Same; sewage disposal treatment fund; deposit and use of bond proceeds; loans to political subdivisions of state; sewer service charges for repayment of loans, assessment and collection; disposition of moneys collected; powers of secretary of... - 12-3711. Same; sewage disposal treatment fund; deposit and use of...
12-3712 Grants not subject to other state agencies; revenues from service charge placed in fund for payment of bonds; use of revenues, liens; sinking fund for all bonds outstanding. - 12-3712. Grants not subject to other state agencies; revenues from...
12-3713 Bonds may be secured by trust agreement; protection of rights and remedies of bondholders. - 12-3713. Bonds may be secured by trust agreement; protection of...
12-3714 Moneys deemed to be trust fund; trustee; duties. - 12-3714. Moneys deemed to be trust fund; trustee; duties. All...
12-3715 Enforcement of rights of bondholder or trustee. - 12-3715. Enforcement of rights of bondholder or trustee. Any holder...
12-3721 Appropriation to department of health and environment; deposit in debt service reserve fund; first claim and lien. - 12-3721. Appropriation to department of health and environment; deposit in...
12-3722 Self-insurance reserve fund; creation; administration; payments from fund. - 12-3722. Self-insurance reserve fund; creation; administration; payments from fund. There...
12-3723 Same; use and expenditure of moneys in fund. - 12-3723. Same; use and expenditure of moneys in fund. Except...
12-3724 Self-insurance reserve fund; investment by director of investments; acceptance of moneys from other entities; tax exemption. - 12-3724. Self-insurance reserve fund; investment by director of investments; acceptance...
12-3725 Same; transfer of $2,000,000 to fund. - 12-3725. Same; transfer of $2,000,000 to fund. On the effective...