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12-3401 Port authorities; definitions. - 12-3401. Port authorities; definitions. As used in K.S.A. 12-3402 to...
12-3402 Port authorities; purpose; creation; modification of official plan by certain port authorities; legislative approval; tax levy; election required; dissolution. - 12-3402. Port authorities; purpose; creation; modification of official plan by...
12-3403 Same; board of directors; membership, appointment, removal, terms, officers, quorum, expenses. - 12-3403. Same; board of directors; membership, appointment, removal, terms, officers,...
12-3404 Same; employees; advisory board; professional help. - 12-3404. Same; employees; advisory board; professional help. A port authority...
12-3405 Same; area of jurisdiction. - 12-3405. Same; area of jurisdiction. The area of jurisdiction of...
12-3406 Same; statement of purpose and character of work to be undertaken; general powers and authority; limitations. - 12-3406. Same; statement of purpose and character of work to...
12-3407 Same; plans for development, notice and hearing; filing of objections to plan; revised plan, when. - 12-3407. Same; plans for development, notice and hearing; filing of...
12-3408 Same; modification, amendment or extension of plan; notice and hearing; limitations on modification or amendment of plan by certain port authorities. - 12-3408. Same; modification, amendment or extension of plan; notice and...
12-3409 Same; validity of modification, amendment or extension of plan. - 12-3409. Same; validity of modification, amendment or extension of plan....
12-3411 Same; inapplicability to other laws. - 12-3411. Same; inapplicability to other laws. Nothing contained in K.S.A....
12-3412 Port authorities; contracts; public bids, when required; disadvantaged business enterprises; sale or lease of property, when; exemption concerning sale of certain real or personal property. - 12-3412. Port authorities; contracts; public bids, when required; disadvantaged business...
12-3413 Same; budget; rents and charges; surplus of funds, use. - 12-3413. Same; budget; rents and charges; surplus of funds, use....
12-3414 Same; treasurer's bond; deposits and disbursements of funds. - 12-3414. Same; treasurer's bond; deposits and disbursements of funds. Before...
12-3415 Same; borrowing money; issuance of notes, bonds and other evidence of indebtedness; approval required. - 12-3415. Same; borrowing money; issuance of notes, bonds and other...
12-3416 Port authorities; conditions of bonds; negotiability. - 12-3416. Port authorities; conditions of bonds; negotiability. Bonds and other...
12-3417 Same; bonds; installment payment of bonds; conversion provisions. - 12-3417. Same; bonds; installment payment of bonds; conversion provisions. In...
12-3418 Same; exercise of powers constitutes governmental function; tax exemption for property acquired, exceptions. - 12-3418. Same; exercise of powers constitutes governmental function; tax exemption...
12-3419 Same; payment of bonds from combined revenues; priorities; subsequent series of bonds, liens. - 12-3419. Same; payment of bonds from combined revenues; priorities; subsequent...
12-3420 Same; issuance of bonds and refunding bonds; approval required. - 12-3420. Same; issuance of bonds and refunding bonds; approval required....
12-3421 Same; bonds not debt of state, county or city, exception; special obligations, required recitals. - 12-3421. Same; bonds not debt of state, county or city,...
12-3422 Same; pledges of revenues and income; powers of board of directors. - 12-3422. Same; pledges of revenues and income; powers of board...
12-3423 Same; agreement with federal government. - 12-3423. Same; agreement with federal government. The board of directors...
12-3424 Same; segregation and use of proceeds; contracts for buildings and facilities. - 12-3424. Same; segregation and use of proceeds; contracts for buildings...
12-3425 Same; approval of bonds by attorney general; effect. - 12-3425. Same; approval of bonds by attorney general; effect. All...
12-3426 Same; investments in bonds of authority authorized. - 12-3426. Same; investments in bonds of authority authorized. Bonds issued...
12-3427 Same; borrowing money in anticipation of issuance of bonds; restrictions; failure to issue bonds, effect. - 12-3427. Same; borrowing money in anticipation of issuance of bonds;...
12-3428 Same; sale of bonds; conditions. - 12-3428. Same; sale of bonds; conditions. All bonds sold hereunder...
12-3429 Same; emergencies; contracts. - 12-3429. Same; emergencies; contracts. If the port authority determines that...
12-3430 Same; oath and bond of trustees. - 12-3430. Same; oath and bond of trustees. Any trustee or...
12-3431 Same; meetings open to public; records. - 12-3431. Same; meetings open to public; records. After the effective...
12-3432 Same; liability of trustees. - 12-3432. Same; liability of trustees. No trustee or beneficiary shall...
12-3433 Same; liberal construction; severability. - 12-3433. Same; liberal construction; severability. This act being necessary for...