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12-1801 Construction and repair. - 12-1801. Construction and repair. The cities of Kansas may provide...
12-1802 Plans and specifications. - 12-1802. Plans and specifications. The governing body of the city...
12-1803 Petition. - 12-1803. Petition. When a petition signed by not less than...
12-1804 Condemnation and reconstruction. - 12-1804. Condemnation and reconstruction. When any sidewalk, in the opinion...
12-1805 Notice to abutting owner; publication; construction by contract, when. - 12-1805. Notice to abutting owner; publication; construction by contract, when....
12-1806 Construction by abutting owner; request to city, when. - 12-1806. Construction by abutting owner; request to city, when. Nothing...
12-1807 Grade. - 12-1807. Grade. Where a grade has been established for a...
12-1808 Repairs by owner or city; notice; special assessments; payment from general fund or general improvement fund, when. - 12-1808. Repairs by owner or city; notice; special assessments; payment...
12-1809 Assessment of cost; old sidewalk materials. - 12-1809. Assessment of cost; old sidewalk materials. The cost of...
12-1810 Levy by ordinance; full payment by owner; notice to owner; limitation of actions. - 12-1810. Levy by ordinance; full payment by owner; notice to...
12-1811 Installment payments; interest; costs included in assessment. - 12-1811. Installment payments; interest; costs included in assessment. The assessment...
12-1812 Financing of cost of assessment levied in one installment; scrip or bonds. - 12-1812. Financing of cost of assessment levied in one installment;...
12-1813 Payment of cost by city, when. - 12-1813. Payment of cost by city, when. The cost of...
12-1814 Sidewalks; terms of scrip or bonds; issuance and sale. - 12-1814. Sidewalks; terms of scrip or bonds; issuance and sale....
12-1815 Sections not affected. - 12-1815. Sections not affected. Nothing in this act shall be...
12-1816 Invalidity of part. - 12-1816. Invalidity of part. If any section or part of...