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12-1608 Quarterly report by treasurer. - 12-1608. Quarterly report by treasurer. (a) The treasurer of each...
12-1609 Same; penalty. - 12-1609. Same; penalty. Any city treasurer violating any of the...
12-1610a Kansas Government Journal subscriptions. - 12-1610a. Kansas Government Journal subscriptions. The governing bodies of the...
12-1610b Same; compilation of information. - 12-1610b. Same; compilation of information. The officers and employees of...
12-1610c League of Kansas municipalities; annual dues, expenses of attending meetings. - 12-1610c. League of Kansas municipalities; annual dues, expenses of attending...
12-1610d Same; subscriptions. - 12-1610d. Same; subscriptions. Any political subdivision of the state of...
12-1610e Same; membership in, when; instrumentality; powers; act supplemental. - 12-1610e. Same; membership in, when; instrumentality; powers; act supplemental. Any...
12-1610f Same; city delegates; powers and duties. - 12-1610f. Same; city delegates; powers and duties. The governing body...
12-1610g Same; powers exercised through instrumentality; limitation on liability; custody of files upon termination. - 12-1610g. Same; powers exercised through instrumentality; limitation on liability; custody...
12-1613 Property of dormant cities. - 12-1613. Property of dormant cities. Whenever the municipal organization of...
12-1614 Same; election of officers; delivery of property to mayor. - 12-1614. Same; election of officers; delivery of property to mayor....
12-1615 Donations of property for hospital purposes; board of trustees, membership, terms of office, vacancies; administrator contracts; pension and deferred compensation plans for employees; contracts insuring employees and dependents; expenditure o... - 12-1615. Donations of property for hospital purposes; board of trustees,...
12-1616a Construction and operation of dams across streams or rivers by cities; maintenance and police regulation. - 12-1616a. Construction and operation of dams across streams or rivers...
12-1616b Same; approval of plans by chief engineer before bonds issued. - 12-1616b. Same; approval of plans by chief engineer before bonds...
12-1616c Dams across streams or rivers; issuance of general obligation bonds; approval of electors required, when; resolution, protest petition; bonds not within debt limitation. - 12-1616c. Dams across streams or rivers; issuance of general obligation...
12-1617 Farm and aquaculture products; peddler's license or permit; fee. - 12-1617. Farm and aquaculture products; peddler's license or permit; fee....
12-1617a Delegates to firemen's association and school. - 12-1617a. Delegates to firemen's association and school. The governing body...
12-1617c Dissolution of certain inoperative sewer districts located wholly within cities. - 12-1617c. Dissolution of certain inoperative sewer districts located wholly within...
12-1617d Dissolution of certain inoperative cemetery districts located wholly within cities. - 12-1617d. Dissolution of certain inoperative cemetery districts located wholly within...
12-1617e Abatement of nuisances; notice; assessment and collection of costs; procedure; disposition of motor vehicles. - 12-1617e. Abatement of nuisances; notice; assessment and collection of costs;...
12-1617f Weeds, removal or destruction; assessment and collection of costs; notice; procedure. - 12-1617f. Weeds, removal or destruction; assessment and collection of costs;...
12-1617g Ordinances on nuisances. - 12-1617g. Ordinances on nuisances. The governing body of any city...
12-1617h Securing industries in or near cities; tax levy, use of proceeds; election required; resubmission, when; use of general fund or other revenue sources. - 12-1617h. Securing industries in or near cities; tax levy, use...
12-1617i Same; fund. - 12-1617i. Same; fund. All moneys collected by virtue of the...
12-1633 Railways and street railways; crossings; construction of viaducts or tunnels; regulation of speed; appraisement and payment of damages; liens; actions; penalties. - 12-1633. Railways and street railways; crossings; construction of viaducts or...
12-1634 Same; cities in counties over 90,000; regulation of speed; bond issue. - 12-1634. Same; cities in counties over 90,000; regulation of speed;...
12-1651 Official newspaper in cities of second and third classes; qualifications. - 12-1651. Official newspaper in cities of second and third classes;...
12-1654 Oil and gas leases; moneys to general fund. - 12-1654. Oil and gas leases; moneys to general fund. The...
12-1655 Same; validation of prior leases. - 12-1655. Same; validation of prior leases. Any lease such as...
12-1658 Historical collections; housing and display. - 12-1658. Historical collections; housing and display. The governing body of...
12-1659 Same; supervisor or curator; compensation. - 12-1659. Same; supervisor or curator; compensation. Such governing body which...
12-1660 Same; historical society as supervisor or curator, when; compensation. - 12-1660. Same; historical society as supervisor or curator, when; compensation....
12-1661 Same; tax levy, use of proceeds. - 12-1661. Same; tax levy, use of proceeds. In order to...
12-1662 Federal aid to public agencies; definitions. - 12-1662. Federal aid to public agencies; definitions. For the purposes...
12-1663 Expenditures of federal aid by public agencies; expenditures of grants, gifts and other income by school districts; budget requirements, exceptions. - 12-1663. Expenditures of federal aid by public agencies; expenditures of...
12-1664 Same; issuance of temporary notes or no-fund warrants to finance portion of program to be paid by federal aid, when; election requirements; written commitment as to federal aid; temporary financing of federal share from current funds; purpose... - 12-1664. Same; issuance of temporary notes or no-fund warrants to...
12-1665 Same; temporary notes; refunding notes; sale or exchange. - 12-1665. Same; temporary notes; refunding notes; sale or exchange. Temporary...
12-1666 Same; no-fund warrants; authorization for issuance; interest; conditions; form; issuance and sale; redemption; notice. - 12-1666. Same; no-fund warrants; authorization for issuance; interest; conditions; form;...
12-1667 Same; tax levies; outside aggregate limits. - 12-1667. Same; tax levies; outside aggregate limits. A public agency...
12-1668 Same; act not exclusive. - 12-1668. Same; act not exclusive. Nothing in this act shall...
12-1669 Submission of budgets to county commissioners by certain taxing districts in urban area counties. - 12-1669. Submission of budgets to county commissioners by certain taxing...
12-1670 Same; approval or disapproval; resubmission, when. - 12-1670. Same; approval or disapproval; resubmission, when. If upon receipt...
12-1671 Certain investments; exception to cash-basis law. - 12-1671. Certain investments; exception to cash-basis law. Investments and time...
12-1672 Certain investments; exception to budget law. - 12-1672. Certain investments; exception to budget law. Moneys disbursed by...
12-1672a Public agencies authorized to offer rewards for information related to criminal acts; definitions. - 12-1672a. Public agencies authorized to offer rewards for information related...
12-1673 Work performed by city upon failure to perform duties imposed by law or ordinance; costs, how collected; limitation on actions. - 12-1673. Work performed by city upon failure to perform duties...
12-1674 Same; special services fund; use; no-fund warrants. - 12-1674. Same; special services fund; use; no-fund warrants. Any such...
12-1674a Service fees and charges; certain cities prohibited from imposing upon persons not receiving service. - 12-1674a. Service fees and charges; certain cities prohibited from imposing...
12-1675 Investment of public moneys by governmental subdivisions, units and entities; conditions and limitations; reciprocal deposit programs. - 12-1675. Investment of public moneys by governmental subdivisions, units and...
12-1675a Definitions. - 12-1675a. Definitions. As used in K.S.A. 12-1675, 12-1676, 12-1677, 12-1677a...
12-1676 Inapplicability of act to certain moneys; rates. - 12-1676. Inapplicability of act to certain moneys; rates. Except as...
12-1676a Weekly advisory memorandum as to rates of interest to county treasurers. - 12-1676a. Weekly advisory memorandum as to rates of interest to...
12-1677 Investment of public moneys by governmental entities, units and subdivisions; use of income; records; quarterly report. - 12-1677. Investment of public moneys by governmental entities, units and...
12-1677a Municipal investment pool fund; investments; requirements; rules and regulations. - 12-1677a. Municipal investment pool fund; investments; requirements; rules and regulations....
12-1677b Direct investments by cities, counties and school districts, when; requirements; forfeiture of investment rights, when. - 12-1677b. Direct investments by cities, counties and school districts, when;...
12-1677d Municipally established foundations; investment of funds. - 12-1677d. Municipally established foundations; investment of funds. (a) As used...
12-1677f Investment of public funds by governmental entities; reinvestment of matured funds. - 12-1677f. Investment of public funds by governmental entities; reinvestment of...
12-1678a Investment of undistributed taxes by county commissioners; distribution of taxes; distribution of interest, when. - 12-1678a. Investment of undistributed taxes by county commissioners; distribution of...
12-1679 Merchant or security police; fingerprints required; municipal license or permit prohibited if vehicles not registered in Kansas. - 12-1679. Merchant or security police; fingerprints required; municipal license or...
12-1680 City and county service for programs for the elderly; tax levy, use of proceeds; petition or resolution and election; territory served by city program excluded from county program, when. - 12-1680. City and county service for programs for the elderly;...
12-1680a Acquisition of computerized police and fire vehicle locating equipment; general obligation bonds. - 12-1680a. Acquisition of computerized police and fire vehicle locating equipment;...
12-1680b Same; resolution; publication; petition. - 12-1680b. Same; resolution; publication; petition. No bonds shall be issued...
12-1680c Same; special election upon protest. - 12-1680c. Same; special election upon protest. In the event a...
12-1681 Community historical museums authorized; property and employees. - 12-1681. Community historical museums authorized; property and employees. Any city...
12-1682 Establishment of operation independently or in cooperation; limitation; delegation of operation to board. - 12-1682. Establishment of operation independently or in cooperation; limitation; delegation...
12-1683 Conduct of activities of museums; acceptance of gifts. - 12-1683. Conduct of activities of museums; acceptance of gifts. Any...
12-1684 Petition for establishment; election; tax levies. - 12-1684. Petition for establishment; election; tax levies. Except as otherwise...
12-1685 Same; filing of petition; joint meeting; notice of receipt and meeting. - 12-1685. Same; filing of petition; joint meeting; notice of receipt...
12-1686 Same; resolution or ordinance for establishment and operation of museums after approval by electors. - 12-1686. Same; resolution or ordinance for establishment and operation of...
12-1687 Membership of museum commissions; terms; officers; powers. - 12-1687. Membership of museum commissions; terms; officers; powers. All museum...
12-1688 Community historical museums; tax levies; increases, election. - 12-1688. Community historical museums; tax levies; increases, election. (a) Except...
12-1689 Same; definitions. - 12-1689. Same; definitions. As used in this act, (a) "school...
12-1690 Same; supervisor and curator; appointment and compensation; duties. - 12-1690. Same; supervisor and curator; appointment and compensation; duties. Any...
12-1691 Same; acceptance of gifts and articles of historical value. - 12-1691. Same; acceptance of gifts and articles of historical value....
12-1692 Promotion of tourism and conventions; definitions. - 12-1692. Promotion of tourism and conventions; definitions. As used in...
12-1693 Same; tax levy by city or county; basis of tax; payment and collection; requirements prior to levy; election; reduction or increase in rate. - 12-1693. Same; tax levy by city or county; basis of...
12-1694 Same; collection, payment and disposition of transient guest tax; administration by secretary of revenue; rules and regulations; monthly reports. - 12-1694. Same; collection, payment and disposition of transient guest tax;...
12-1694a Same; establishment of transient guest tax refund fund; maintenance by secretary of revenue. - 12-1694a. Same; establishment of transient guest tax refund fund; maintenance...
12-1694b Same; interest and penalties for failure to pay or untimely payment of transient guest tax. - 12-1694b. Same; interest and penalties for failure to pay or...
12-1695 Convention and tourism committee; appointment; terms; contracts for programs. - 12-1695. Convention and tourism committee; appointment; terms; contracts for programs....
12-1696 Promotion of tourism and conventions; definitions. - 12-1696. Promotion of tourism and conventions; definitions. As used in...
12-1697 Same; tax levy by city or county; basis of tax; payment and collection; requirements prior to levy. - 12-1697. Same; tax levy by city or county; basis of...
12-1698 Same; collection, payment and disposition of transient guest tax; administration by secretary of revenue; rules and regulations; monthly reports. - 12-1698. Same; collection, payment and disposition of transient guest tax;...
12-1698a Same; interest and penalties for failure to pay or untimely payment of transient guest tax. - 12-1698a. Same; interest and penalties for failure to pay or...
12-1699 Same; levy of tax prohibited, when. - 12-1699. Same; levy of tax prohibited, when. No county shall...
12-16,100 Same; transient guest tax refund fund. - 12-16,100. Same; transient guest tax refund fund. There is hereby...
12-16,101 Convention and tourism committee; appointment; terms; contracts and programs. - 12-16,101. Convention and tourism committee; appointment; terms; contracts and programs....
12-16,102 Employee benefits contribution fund in certain taxing subdivisions; tax levy; use of proceeds; use of trust fund to hold and invest postemployment benefits funds, management of trust fund. - 12-16,102. Employee benefits contribution fund in certain taxing subdivisions; tax...
12-16,103 Acquisition of fee title to realty; sale of realty; record. - 12-16,103. Acquisition of fee title to realty; sale of realty;...
12-16,104 Release of easement; notice; fee. - 12-16,104. Release of easement; notice; fee. (a) The governing body...
12-16,105 Use of property no longer needed for school building in McPherson, Kansas. - 12-16,105. Use of property no longer needed for school building...
12-16,106 Human relations commission; enforcement and review of orders. - 12-16,106. Human relations commission; enforcement and review of orders. (a)...
12-16,107 Same; enforcement of subpoenas. - 12-16,107. Same; enforcement of subpoenas. In case of the refusal...
12-16,108 State grants or loans to municipalities; definitions. - 12-16,108. State grants or loans to municipalities; definitions. When used...
12-16,109 Same; authority to borrow money for temporary financing of service or improvement. - 12-16,109. Same; authority to borrow money for temporary financing of...
12-16,110 Same; general obligation of municipality; excluded from debt limit. - 12-16,110. Same; general obligation of municipality; excluded from debt limit....
12-16,111 Same; not subject to budget limitations. - 12-16,111. Same; not subject to budget limitations. Any money received...
12-16,112 Same; amount of bonds, if issued. - 12-16,112. Same; amount of bonds, if issued. In addition to...
12-16,113 Accounting required of expenditures of transient guest tax moneys. - 12-16,113. Accounting required of expenditures of transient guest tax moneys....
12-16,114 Housing trust funds; purpose; funding of; administration. - 12-16,114. Housing trust funds; purpose; funding of; administration. (a) When...
12-16,115 Imitation firearms; civil penalty for sale, manufacture or distribution. - 12-16,115. Imitation firearms; civil penalty for sale, manufacture or distribution....
12-16,116 Transfer of title to public streets, avenues, alleys or lanes; cities in Crawford county. - 12-16,116. Transfer of title to public streets, avenues, alleys or...
12-16,117 Municipal policies regarding the provision of assistance during times of disaster; immunity from liability. - 12-16,117. Municipal policies regarding the provision of assistance during times...
12-16,118 Transfer of certain money and royalty interest to city of Oxford; procedure. - 12-16,118. Transfer of certain money and royalty interest to city...
12-16,119 Booking or processing fee; disbursement; fee limitation. - 12-16,119. Booking or processing fee; disbursement; fee limitation. (a) Any...
12-16,120 Prohibiting rent control or control of real estate purchase price by political subdivisions; exceptions. - 12-16,120. Prohibiting rent control or control of real estate purchase...
12-16,121 Paving materials provided by cities and counties; limitations. - 12-16,121. Paving materials provided by cities and counties; limitations. (a)...
12-16,122 Paving materials; mining and manufacturing for use by cities and counties; limitations. - 12-16,122. Paving materials; mining and manufacturing for use by cities...
12-16,123 Cities and counties prohibited from requiring lists of tenants; exceptions. - 12-16,123. Cities and counties prohibited from requiring lists of tenants;...
12-16,124 Firearms and ammunition; regulation by city or county, limitations. - 12-16,124. Firearms and ammunition; regulation by city or county, limitations....
12-16,124a Same; limitation on liability of municipality. - 12-16,124a. Same; limitation on liability of municipality. (a) No municipality...
12-16,124b Same; prohibiting use of tax proceeds for firearms buyback programs. - 12-16,124b. Same; prohibiting use of tax proceeds for firearms buyback...
12-16,125 Acceptance by city of debit or credit card for payment of taxes, utility fees or other exactions. - 12-16,125. Acceptance by city of debit or credit card for...
12-16,126 Kansas emergency communications preservation act. - 12-16,126. Kansas emergency communications preservation act. (a) In order to...
12-16,128 Mayoral appointments; governing body approval; time limits; other requirements. - 12-16,128. Mayoral appointments; governing body approval; time limits; other requirements....
12-16,129 Accident response service fee prohibited. - 12-16,129. Accident response service fee prohibited. (a) As used in...
12-16,130 Cities; counties; prohibition on requiring employers to provide certain wage levels or paid benefits or to alter or adjust employee scheduling. - 12-16,130. Cities; counties; prohibition on requiring employers to provide certain...
12-16,131 Cities; counties; prohibition on enacting or administering certain ordinances and resolutions. - 12-16,131. Cities; counties; prohibition on enacting or administering certain ordinances...
12-16,132 Cities; certain ordinances void as against public policy. - 12-16,132. Cities; certain ordinances void as against public policy. The...
12-16,133 Definitions. - 12-16,133. Definitions. For the purposes of this act, unless the...
12-16,134 Knives and knife making components; regulation by municipality, limitations. - 12-16,134. Knives and knife making components; regulation by municipality, limitations....
12-16,135 Severability. - 12-16,135. Severability. If any provision of this act* or the...
12-16,136 Regulating consumer incentive items and nutrition labeling of food; definitions. - 12-16,136. Regulating consumer incentive items and nutrition labeling of food;...
12-16,137 Same; prohibitions; exceptions. - 12-16,137. Same; prohibitions; exceptions. (a) The regulation of consumer incentive...
12-16,138 Cities; counties; prohibiting periodic interior inspections of residential property; exceptions. - 12-16,138. Cities; counties; prohibiting periodic interior inspections of residential property;...
12-16,219 Cities, counties; prohibition on fire sprinkler requirements in certain residential dwellings. - 12-16,219. Cities, counties; prohibition on fire sprinkler requirements in certain...